- Jun 01, 2018
Michael Terry authored
Allow our utility function to filter out course certs when asking Credentials for a list of certificates. This way once we start handing back course certs, the LMS won't be surprised by assumptions about what the credentials service will give back.
Troy Sankey authored
Notes retirement endpoint should require trailing slash
Troy Sankey authored
This is because we already require trailing slashes on most of the rest of the retirement endpoints, which are called via slumber which appends the trailing slash by default.
Diana Huang authored
LEARNER-5039: Add new notification email.
Uman Shahzad authored
[ENT-979] Bump edX Enterprise to 0.69.0.
- May 31, 2018
Diana Huang authored
Diana Huang authored
LEARNER-5434: Add a configuration option for deleting student accounts.
Uman Shahzad authored
Diana Huang authored
Michael Youngstrom authored
Merge pull request #18293 from edx/testeng/bokchoy_auto_cache_update_34ca93e04553b114b9de1142b6a1a4cd7e2c2ceb Bokchoy db cache update
edx-cache-uploader-bot authored
Ahsan Ul Haq authored
Fix "admin/auth/user/add "username" missing field.
- May 30, 2018
Waheed Ahmed authored
Add program UUID in cache key instead passing as resource id.
Uman Shahzad authored
[ENT-863] Bump edx-enterprise to 0.68.8.
Waheed Ahmed authored
Troy Sankey authored
Add API endpoint for retiring a user from EdxNotes (edx-notes-api)
Stu Young authored
Merge pull request #18287 from edx/testeng/bokchoy_auto_cache_update_51c0d1d754ff731cf41ff7190a64d244acc418c9 Bokchoy db cache update
Troy Sankey authored
This also creates an appropriate course-agnostic location for notes APIs, under /api/edxnotes/v1/.
edx-cache-uploader-bot authored
Matthew Piatetsky authored
add user email to metadata
Feanil Patel authored
Feanil/drop moar indices
Uman Shahzad authored
Matthew Piatetsky authored
Waheed Ahmed authored
Pass program UUID as resource_id to generate unique cache key.
Waheed Ahmed authored
Without program UUID cache key was same every time for single learner on multiple programs and getting the same data from cache. LEARNER-5373
Rabia Iftikhar authored
EDUCATOR-2927 certificate eligible column will appear with value N for audit-passing learners in grade report
rabiaiftikhar authored
EDUCATOR-2927 certificate eligible column will appear with value N for audit-passing learners in grade report
Zia Fazal authored
WL-1239: Ability to gate section based on completion percentage
Zia Fazal authored
Initial changes to gate section based on completion percentage code refactoring and added evaluation of completion milestone Fixed broken unit tests and added new tests Fixed broken tests and quality violations Fixed Pep8 violation Fixed eslint quality violations Test changes as suggested by reviewer changes after feedbacy from reviewer Update the docstring with suggested changes excluding chapter from the blocks Disallow empty values for min score and min completion Changes afte feedback from UX/Accessibility removed blank line
Zia Fazal authored
WL-1575: code refactor to avoid creation of duplicate oauth clients
Zia Fazal authored
WL-1388: Added a base MessageType for ace
- May 29, 2018
Calen Pennington authored
Revert "Switch container factory to webpack"
Calen Pennington authored
Calen Pennington authored
Switch container factory to webpack
Awais Jibran authored
Allow `@` in username in Staff Debug interface
AlasdairSwan authored
LEARNER-5427 Ensure StudentAccountDeletion.jsx checks socialAccountLi…
AlasdairSwan authored
LEARNER-5427 Ensure StudentAccountDeletion.jsx checks socialAccountLinks object because reunning .reduce on it
Calen Pennington authored
Calen Pennington authored
Calen Pennington authored