- Jun 21, 2020
- Jun 19, 2020
Michael Roytman authored
rename blacklist/whitelist to exclude list/include list in Course Met…
Brandon Baker authored
Upgrade to 1.0.0 caused issues which are described and being investigated in https://github.com/django-ses/django-ses/issues/186.
Michael Roytman authored
edX requirements bot authored
David Ormsbee authored
SE-2634 Fix crashes in yt_video_metadata
Awais Qureshi authored
[BD-6] Remove constraint from mako
Manjinder Singh authored
David Ormsbee authored
SE-2176 Fix elem not selected if id contains special chars
David Ormsbee authored
Optimize blockstore cache
Luis Moreno authored
Dillon Dumesnil authored
AA-194: Updating edx-when version
Dillon Dumesnil authored
Updating edx-when version to pull in a change related to not returning dates if the enrollment happened after course end (if no enrollment end date is set)
edX cache uploader bot authored
Leonardo Martinez authored
This PR solves the DeprecationWarning mentioned in: https://build.testeng.edx.org/job/edx-platform-python-pipeline-master/warning_5freport_5fall_2ehtml/ HTMLParser was renamed in html.parser in Python3: https://docs.python.org/2/library/htmlparser.html#module-HTMLParser * html_parser.HTMLParser().unescape from six.moves has been deprecated * instead use html.unescape from Python3 Documentation for unescape in Python3: https://docs.python.org/3/library/html.html#html.unescape - html_parser from six.moves has been deprecated - instead use html.parser from Python3 - Order imports using isort - Delete unused import crum
Awais Qureshi authored
[BD-6] Use Pypi release of social-app-django
M. Zulqarnain authored
- Jun 18, 2020
Eric Herrera authored
Move social-app-django from github to base requirement, since PyPi version is now compatible with the platform.
stvn authored
* Commits: Update masquerade API to show only active partitions Add explicit masquerade support to courseware API
stvn authored
stvn authored
stvn authored
* Commits: Replace references to 'log.warn' with 'log.warning'
Binod Pant authored
all versions updates were minor and no visible downgrades
Daniel Francis authored
Fixing 56 GuessedAtParserWarnings, in commit edx#24098 Background: BeautifulSoup automatically picks the fastest parser available. By default, it picks the "lxml" parser. Per the [BeautifulSoup](https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#installing-a-parser) documentation: > Beautiful Soup supports the HTML parser included in Python’s standard library, but it also supports a number of third-party Python parsers. One is the lxml parser. Depending on your setup, you might install lxml with one of these commands. > Another alternative is the pure-Python html5lib parser, which parses HTML the way a web browser does. Context: We changed two statements, one in lms and another in openedx. Both statements fire up BeautifulSoup. Now we explicitly ask for "lxml," following the recommendation on BeautifulSoup's documentation: > If you can, I recommend you install and use lxml for speed. If you’re using a very old ...
Nathan Sprenkle authored
* Hide private team-sets from users not on a team * Modify add team count to factor in team visibility * Fix bug that broke search w/in private team-sets
stvn authored
to remove some `DeprecationWarning`s from the logs as the former method as been deprecated since Python 3.3 [1][2]. - [1] https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.3/Lib/logging/__init__.py#L1252-L1253 - [2] https://stackoverflow.com/a/15655674
Michael Roytman authored
update version of edx-proctoring library
Nick authored
Fix Dates Banner Translations
Robert Raposa authored
If setting ENABLE_WAFFLE_FLAG_METRIC is True, a custom metric will be added with the values of all WaffleFlag and CourseWaffleFlags seen during the transaction. Metric flag values could be False, True, or Both. The value Both would mean that the flag had both a True and False value at different times through the transaction. This is most likely due to having a check_before_waffle_callback, as is the case with CourseWaffleFlag. Example metric value: "{'another.course.flag': 'False', 'some.flag': 'False', 'some.course.flag': 'Both'}" Warning: NewRelic does not recommend large custom metric values due to the potential performance impact on the agent, so you may just want to enable when researching usage of a particular flag. Metric values longer than 255 are truncated. TODO: A how_to can be added later if we find this useful, including helpful querying tips. ARCHBOM-132
Nicholas D'Alfonso authored
- replace unicode apostrophes with single quotes in dates banner. - change language in button from 'Reset my deadlines' to 'Shift due dates'
Jansen Kantor authored
* use external_user_key in teams csv download
Michael Terry authored
AA-137: Support courseware celebrations
atesker authored
atesker authored
atesker authored
Michael Roytman authored
Adam Butterworth authored
[BD-10] Remove unused course sock URL.
Adam Butterworth authored
[BD-10] [DEPR-68][DEPR-84] Remove pattern library of learner_dashboard/programs.py
Adam Butterworth authored
[BD-10] [DEPR-79] Remove pattern library of mobile/course-dates-fragment.html
Adam Butterworth authored
[BD-10] [DEPR-70] Remove waffle flag edx_discussions.use_bootstrap.