- May 27, 2019
Brittney Exline authored
- May 24, 2019
David Ormsbee authored
Add capability to override MANUAL_ENROLLMENT_ROLE_CHOICES
aliciaerwin authored
David Ormsbee authored
Cleanup datatable code in sysadmin user tab
Matt Hughes authored
Add endpoint for checking learner program enrollments
Jeremy Bowman authored
Feanil Patel authored
Upgrade gunicorn.
Amit authored
INCR-251: Make compatible with Python 3.x without breaking Python 2.7 support --> common/test/acceptance/tests/discussion (#20646)
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Prevent JWT Authentication from updating LMS User Data
Matthew Piatetsky authored
fix issue for all dashboard redirect messages
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Bessie Steinberg authored
Bump edx-enterprise to version 1.5.6
Matthew Piatetsky authored
Bessie Steinberg authored
jansenk authored
Jeremy Bowman authored
Michael Youngstrom authored
edX requirements bot authored
Jeremy Bowman authored
Dave St.Germain authored
program course enrollment overview GET endpoint
edx-pipeline-bot authored
Mergeback PR from private to public.
Awais Jibran authored
Fix Elevation in permission over OAuth
- May 23, 2019
Robert Raposa authored
fix disable of pylint ungrouped-imports
Feanil Patel authored
Changelog: http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/2016-news.html
Robert Raposa authored
See https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/20644 for original attempt at disabling, and more info about why.
Evans Dianga authored
Wei Lee authored
* INCR-236 * Run python-modernize on openedx/features/course_duration_limits and verify that the change makes sense and tests does not break * Remove redundant import and update docstring style
Matt Hughes authored
edX requirements bot authored
Richard I Reilly authored
Add UML diagram for the ProgramEnrollments Plugin
Cory Lee authored
SE-1076 Campus.il Fixes issue encountered when cms worker updates grades
Zachary Hancock authored
command to expire waiting program enrollments
Andytr1 authored
updated header location, error handling
Usama Sadiq authored
MathJax Output Format in LMS Issue: MathJax expressions were not rendering properly in the drop-down menu. Reason: MathJax SVG configurations do not work properly in case of a drop-down menu. Solution: The output format for MathJax expressions changed from SVG to HTML to allow the MathJax rendering in the drop-down menu as well.
- May 22, 2019
Feanil Patel authored
Become oep2 compliant.
Awais Jibran authored
edX Transifex Bot authored
Jeremy Bowman authored
Jeremy Bowman authored
atesker authored