- Dec 21, 2018
Dave St.Germain authored
Dave St.Germain authored
Dave St.Germain authored
Dave St.Germain authored
Ned Batchelder authored
Michael Roytman authored
Matt Hughes authored
also move mockprock (dev only proctoring service)'s JS to devDependencies
Ned Batchelder authored
Matt Hughes authored
also manually increment edx-proctoring version, since that's all we wanted to achieve with this
Matt Hughes authored
Also package lock was tricky in how specifically it wanted to be updated
Matt Hughes authored
Matt Hughes authored
Matt Hughes authored
Matt Hughes authored
also ensures that our proctoring JS will run through babel, even while we have npm dependencies installed on a local-only basis
Matt Hughes authored
This changes the production config. Spooky scary!
Matt Hughes authored
Dave St.Germain authored
Dave St.Germain authored
Michael Roytman authored
Calen Pennington authored
REVE-181: Hide empty container blocks from the course blocks api when called by the mobile app
Agha Awais authored
TE-2627: Problem Editor bokchoy tests
Asad Iqbal authored
asadiqbal08/ENT-1431 updated the edx.org template
Agha Awais authored
asadiqbal authored
DawoudSheraz authored
EDUCATOR-3786 Anonymous user is not associated to any cohort
DawoudSheraz authored
- Dec 20, 2018
Dave St.Germain authored
Quick fix for cohort problem in enrollment API
Christopher Pappas authored
Bumped version of django-simple-history Bumping django-simple-history in other requirements files Removing the django-simple-history constraint as it is no longer an issue Removing the comment from requirements/constraints about django-simple-history
Dave St.Germain authored
Calen Pennington authored
All code in this PR should be removed after REVE-52 is merged and mobile traffic from older app versions falls to < 5% of the mobile traffic to the course_blocks api
Ned Batchelder authored
Update edx lint to get .editorconfig file centrally managed.
Stu Young authored
Merge pull request #19482 from edx/testeng/bokchoy_auto_cache_update_7fc72089583c53637576eeb89c1de4378f86e1ac Bokchoy db cache update
edx-cache-uploader-bot authored
George Babey authored
OSPR-2352 | Support for theming .underscore files
Feanil Patel authored
Merge release back to master
Jeremy Bowman authored
Fixes for assorted flaky bok-choy tests
Michael Youngstrom authored
Add Jenkinsfiles for quality and bokchoy
David Ormsbee authored
SE-183 Enable video content for anonymous and unenrolled learners
Zainab Amir authored
Add apple fonts to dashboard and programs_fragments for dynamic type text size settings
Pooja Kulkarni authored
This is based on PR #19284 and is part of the series of work related to the proposal #18134. Adds VideoModule.public_view() to enable unenrolled and anonymous users to view the video contents of a public course. When an unenrolled or anonymous user accesses the video content of a public course, the public_view() introduced in the previous PR is used instead of student_view() method.