- Oct 14, 2014
Renzo Lucioni authored
- Oct 09, 2014
David Baumgold authored
secure-cookies: Allow to use secure HTTPS cookies (Django setting)
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Merge Release
Renzo Lucioni authored
Use Backbone for student account and profile JS.
Stephen Sanchez authored
Adding new styles to the new donation button.
Waqas Khalid authored
Forum shouldn't cuase error while searching unicode
Waqas Khalid authored
If we use unicode character in the search of forum it will cuase the error which is not the desired behavior it should check and return result. TNL-336
Oleg Marshev authored
Generate HAR Files for LMS
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Hotfix for 2014-10-08
- Oct 08, 2014
stephensanchez authored
Renzo Lucioni authored
Validate student account and profile form fields. Use RequireJS for Jasmine tests of account and profile JS.
stephensanchez authored
stephensanchez authored
Diana Huang authored
Sort course and enrollment pairs on dashboard
Will Daly authored
Update donation text in email and receipt page
Adam authored
Fix unicode-related failures in CSV upload.
Diana Huang authored
Daniel Friedman authored
Chris Dodge authored
Add the ability for Microsites to be able to send appropriately branded emails rather than the default system installed version fix tests. Update Admin views/forms. enforce uniqueness constraint in the Admin ModelForm submissions Update bok_choy cached DBs with new schema changes PR feedback
Calen Pennington authored
Will Daly authored
Use UglifyJS to minify JavaScript in the LMS
Mark Hoeber authored
Removed XML information from Researchers Guide
Mark Hoeber authored
removed old comment
Oleg Marshev authored
Will Daly authored
Will Daly authored
Will Daly authored
Add donation button to the enrollment success message
- Oct 07, 2014
Don Mitchell authored
Video module must handle xml attrs
Don Mitchell authored
handling unknown xml attrs.
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Conflicts: lms/djangoapps/instructor/features/data_download.py
Calen Pennington authored
Optimize LMS views for Split courses.
John Eskew authored
Remove unused jQuery code. - LMS-11481
srpearce authored
Edits to release notes
Sylvia Pearce authored
srpearce authored
Revert "Draft of release notes for 10-7"
John Eskew authored
Jesse Zoldak authored
Lower the pep8 threshold for failing builds
Don Mitchell authored
Will Daly authored
Make donations configurable Added donation button to dashboard Generalize merchant defined data for payment processor