- May 12, 2020
Brittney Exline authored
Carla Duarte authored
Remove Shorten Welcome Message flag
Diane Kaplan authored
Add financial assistance link in course tools where available, so this will be more visible to learners
Zainab Amir authored
Jeff LaJoie authored
Fixes serialization of course key for celery in course updates command
Jeff LaJoie authored
AA-163: Fixes duplicate dates tab issue
Jeff LaJoie authored
Jeff LaJoie authored
Awais Jibran authored
Course Content boilerplate blurb (and link to discussions)
Zainab Amir authored
* Have separate column for transcript and encode status * Display error message sent from VEM PROD-1432
jinder1s authored
- May 11, 2020
Calen Pennington authored
Fix case collision course keys
Calen Pennington authored
Ned Batchelder authored
SE-1839 Allow overriding SEARCH_FILTER_GENERATOR
Ned Batchelder authored
Enable auto start for HLS if autoadvance is set
Ned Batchelder authored
[BB-1637] Pass the referer from the client to the YouTube API
Tim McCormack authored
Rather than fetching the Site for every provider in a loop, just look at the ID of the site. Added regression test, showing N `django_site` requests before and 0 after.
edX requirements bot authored
edX cache uploader bot authored
mariajgrimaldi authored
This PR contributes to the elimination of deprecation warnings, specifically the one mentioned above and reported in the Warnings Report: https://build.testeng.edx.org/job/edx-platform-python-pipeline-master/warning_5freport_5fall_2ehtml/ . Changed collection.find(filter).count() to collection.count_documents(filter) in the following file: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/modulestore/tests/test_split_modulestore.py And collection.find(filter).limit(1).count() to collection.count_documents(filter, limit=1) in the following file: common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/modulestore/mongo/draft.py The method count_documents is part of the collection, not the cursor (find returns a cursor), according to StackOverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56303331/warning-message-in-pymongo-count-is-deprecated). Because of that after changing count, I removed the calling to the find method and use the filter parameter in count_documents. Also, I removed limit because count_documents accepts limit parameter. This warning occurs due to deprecation: https://pymongo.readthedocs.io/en/3.9.0/api/pymongo/collection.html#pymongo.collection.Collection.count_documents
Syed Muhammad Dawoud Sheraz Ali authored
update cielo api settings
- May 10, 2020
Farhanah Sheets authored
Revert "Add financial assistance link in course tools"
Farhanah Sheets authored
This reverts commit cbb4cfb9.
- May 08, 2020
Adam Stankiewicz authored
upgrade edx-enterprise to 3.2.10
Adam Stankiewicz authored
mariajgrimaldi authored
I wanted to make a byte-sized contribution but there were no Jira tickets so we decided, thanks to a conversation with @jmbowman through the Open Edx Community #incr (Slack) channel, to collaborate in the elimination of warnings listed in the Warnings Report at https://build.testeng.edx.org/job/edx-platform-python-pipeline-master/warning_5freport_5fall_2ehtml/ This PR contributes to the elimination of RemovedInDjango30Warnings, specifically the one mentioned above and reported in the Warnings Report Changed cookie_date to http_date in the following file: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_authn/cookies.py This warning occurs due to deprecation since Django 2.1: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/utils/#django.utils.http.cookie_date
Carla Duarte authored
Removed use of the 'shorten_welcome_message' waffle flag AA-108
Jansen Kantor authored
* remove grades from program progress page
edX requirements bot authored
Leonardo Martinez authored
This PR solves the deprecation warning found here: https://build.testeng.edx.org/job/edx-platform-python-pipeline-master/warning_5freport_5fall_2ehtml/ Change: (LibraryLocator(org='org', course='course'), False) To: (LibraryLocator(org='org', library='course'), False) In the file: openedx/core/djangoapps/content/block_structure/tests/test_signals.py * LibraryLocator is from the opaque_keys.edx.locator module See documentation: https://pythonhosted.org/edx-opaque-keys/opaque_keys.edx.html#opaque_keys.edx.locator.LibraryLocator
mariajgrimaldi authored
I wanted to make a byte-sized contribution but there were no Jira tickets so we decided, thanks to a conversation with @jmbowman through the Open Edx Community #incr (Slack) channel, to collaborate in the elimination of warnings listed in the Warnings Report at https://build.testeng.edx.org/job/edx-platform-python-pipeline-master/warning_5freport_5fall_2ehtml/ This PR contributes to the elimination of deprecation warnings, specifically the one mentioned above and reported in the Warnings Report. Changed logger.warn to logger.warning in the following files: lms/djangoapps/experiments/utils.py lms/djangoapps/lti_provider/outcomes.py lms/djangoapps/courseware/module_render.py This warning occurs due to deprecation in python 3.4+: https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/logging.html#logging.Logger.warning
mariajgrimaldi authored
I wanted to make a byte-sized contribution but there were no Jira tickets so we decided, thanks to a conversation with @jmbowman through the Open Edx Community #incr (Slack) channel, to collaborate in the elimination of warnings listed in the Warnings Report at https://build.testeng.edx.org/job/edx-platform-python-pipeline-master/warning_5freport_5fall_2ehtml/ This PR contributes to the elimination of deprecation warnings, specifically the one mentioned above and reported in the Warnings Report. Changed insert to insert_one in the following file: * cms/djangoapps/contentstore/management/commands/tests/test_cleanup_assets.py This warning occurs due to deprecation: https://api.mongodb.com/python/current/api/pymongo/collection.html#pymongo.collection.Collection.insert
Michael Terry authored
Only set due dates on graded content
mariajgrimaldi authored
I wanted to make a byte-sized contribution but there were no Jira tickets so we decided, thanks to a conversation with @jmbowman through the Open Edx Community #incr (Slack) channel, to collaborate in the elimination of warnings listed in the Warnings Report at https://build.testeng.edx.org/job/edx-platform-python-pipeline-master/warning_5freport_5fall_2ehtml/ This PR contributes to the elimination of deprecation warnings, specifically the one mentioned above and reported in the Warnings Report. Changed assertNotRegexpMatches to assertNotRegex in the following files: cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/tests/test_preview.py cms/djangoapps/contentstore/views/tests/test_item.py lms/djangoapps/commerce/tests/test_views.py lms/djangoapps/dashboard/tests/test_sysadmin.py This warning occurs due to deprecation in python 3.5: https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase.assertNotRegex
Adam Butterworth authored
* Swap deprecated box-sizing mixin with the box-sizing property * Linting now that box-sizing is no longer a mixin
Michael Terry authored
When a self paced course was published and we were configured to automatically space out due dates among its sections, we were accidentally setting due dates on ungraded content. Which limited access to it. AA-162
Ali Akbar authored
Unauthenticated Contact Us improvements
Diane Kaplan authored
Add financial assistance link in course tools for eligible courses, so it'll be more visible to learners
Albert (AJ) St. Aubin authored
PR to fix issue loading dashboard when there is a version mismatch in
Jeff LaJoie authored
Changes type of objects that get serialized, removes a problematic log statement