- Jan 10, 2020
usamasadiq authored
Awais Qureshi authored
Awais Qureshi authored
Due to some recent schema changes this test is failing. Temporarily skipping it. Fix it in other PR.
- Jan 09, 2020
Stu Young authored
add django simple history to student.ManualEnrollmentAudit
David Ormsbee authored
Revert "Request cache context processor output."
David Ormsbee authored
This reverts commit ad5cc3d5. This was causing middleware errors while processing 404s.
Matthew Piatetsky authored
add coupon code to discount banner
Guruprasad Lakshmi Narayanan authored
Updates the existing command, after renaming it, to allow: * Specifying the site ID instead of the domain. * Updating the existing site configuration parameters. * Enabling and disabling the SiteConfiguration instance.
Waheed Ahmed authored
- Jan 08, 2020
Matthew Piatetsky authored
Mahyar Damavand authored
Andytr1 authored
edX cache uploader bot authored
edX requirements bot authored
Aarif authored
Updated the django-waffle to support django 2.2
edX cache uploader bot authored
Zia Fazal authored
Ignore `ResourceWarning`
zia.fazal@arbisoft.com authored
Ignore `ResourceWarning` to clear noise in logs until we replace `EdxRestApiClient` with `OAuthAPIClient`. We have too many warnings like this unclosed <ssl.SSLSocket fd=33, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('*.*.*', 47040), raddr=('*.*.*.*', 443)
aarif authored
made changes to test with previous version of django-waffle updated the query count to test testing with version 0.13 testing with version 0.14 testing with version 0.15 added version 0.14 updated the django-waffle version to use 0.18 updated the django-waffle version to use 0.16 updated the query counts to pass tests ran make upgrade updated the django-waffle to support django 2.2 made changes to test with previous version of django-waffle updated the query count to test testing with version 0.13 testing with version 0.14 testing with version 0.15 added version 0.14 updated the django-waffle version to use 0.18 updated the django-waffle version to use 0.16 updated the query counts to pass tests removed the pdb statements ran make upgrade
Usama Sadiq authored
Alex Dusenbery authored
- Jan 07, 2020
atesker authored
Hassan authored
Rename order in CreditRequirement (3/3)
Calen Pennington authored
Read STATICFILES_STORAGE_KWARGS from config to allow separate storage…
Calen Pennington authored
Read STATICFILES_STORAGE_KWARGS from config to allow separate storage configuration for static assets
Andytr1 authored
Delete persistent subsection grade override history
atesker authored
Removed model renamed file
Hasnain Naveed authored
ENT-2524 | Added the request `PATH_INFO` in exception traceback.
Calen Pennington authored
Allow debugging collect static during paver update_assets
edX requirements bot authored
Calen Pennington authored
Troy Sankey authored
This stage does the following: - Includes a migration to delete the old column. - NO code changes.
hasnain.naveed authored
Only add `PATH_INFO` to log removed METH from label too
Waheed Ahmed authored
* Remove lang cookie for mobile app requests. Responses for mobile app requests must not include language preference cookie. PROD-1107
usama sadiq authored
Changed the direct assignments with the use of set() method.
Aarif authored
Removed the deprecated usage of include urls.
- Jan 06, 2020
Jeremy Bowman authored
Calen Pennington authored
Load any AWS_ prefixed settings from ENV_TOKENS to allow S3Boto3Stora…
Andytr1 authored
Update edx-ora2 version to 2.5.8
atesker authored