- Feb 02, 2021
edX requirements bot authored
- Feb 01, 2021
Robert Raposa authored
[TSD] Annotates block structures settings and waffle switches
Adam Stankiewicz authored
Robert Raposa authored
[BD-21] Remove soon-to-be-deprecated value monitor in edx-toggles
Nizar Mahmoud authored
This includes the following settings: - BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS : setting dictionary which stores the other different block structures related settings - BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS['PRUNING_ACTIVE'] : keeps only a specific number of versions of each block structure, and deletes the rest - BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS['COURSE_PUBLISH_TASK_DELAY'] : specifies the delay, in seconds, after a new edit of a course is published before updating the block structures cache - BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS['TASK_DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY'] : Specifies the delay, in seconds, between retry attempts for block structure tasks - BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS['TASK_MAX_RETRIES'] : specifies the max number of retries per block structure task - BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS['STORAGE_CLASS'] : specifies the storage which block structures would be saved to when storage backed block structures are enabled Example: 'storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage' - BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS['STORAGE_KWARGS'] : specifies additional arguments needed when utilizing storage for storing storage backed block structures Example: { bucket: 'test-edxapp' } - BLOCK_STRUCTURES_SETTINGS['DIRECTORY_PREFIX'] : specifies the path to which storage backed block structures are saved Example: '/courses/' This also includes the following waffle switches: - block_structure.storage_backing_for_cache : enables storage backed block structures, used to retrieve the block structures from storage instead of regenerating the structure, when not available in cache it is important to note that this is important for production because it reduces response times on block structure related apis - block_structure.raise_error_when_not_found : raises an error if the block structure requested doesnt exist in store or is outdated - block_structure.invalidate_cache_on_publish : invalidates the block structure cache when courses are published For an example with additional context, see the following forum post: https://discuss.openedx.org/t/help-please-very-slow-load-time-10-seconds-for-courseware-on-sections-with-several-subsections-and-xblocks/2998/16 This also includes information about the toggles that will likely be deprecated and removed: https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/26175#issuecomment-769080286
Robert Raposa authored
[BD-21] Improve test coverage of toggle state view
Robert Raposa authored
[TSD] Annotate course_experience.calendar_sync
Robert Raposa authored
[TSD] [SE-3990] Add in standardized documentation for Badgr-related settings.
Christie Rice authored
alangsto authored
Dillon Dumesnil authored
AA-492: Adds research tracking event for reset deadlines
Dillon Dumesnil authored
This PR also removes the exemption for staff from seeing the reset deadlines banner (staff will now see the banner). Staff users would still be unable to submit problems and wouldn't have a way of resetting their deadlines while enrolled.
Bianca Severino authored
[MST-515] Automated proctoring requirements email
Bianca Severino authored
Alex Dusenbery authored
In SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment, Use either applies_to_all_contexts or enterprise_customer if they are True or non-null, respectively, in determining the result of get_context(), but continue to return list of all linked enterprise customer UUIDs if not, (which is the current behavior). This is a small step on our journey to explicitly defining user-role assignments.
Régis Behmo authored
We are affected by this issue: https://github.com/jazzband/django-pipeline/pull/297#issuecomment-264416094 In particular, this occurs when trying to upload js assets to s3, such as with the Scorm xblock: https://github.com/overhangio/openedx-scorm-xblock/issues/16 This issue is resolved by upgrading django-pipeline to 2.0.3+, as the fix was introduced here: https://github.com/jazzband/django-pipeline/pull/715
Usama Sadiq authored
Post Python38 clean up process
usamasadiq authored
usamasadiq authored
M. Zulqarnain authored
Ali Akbar authored
update threshold after IM security fixes 6
Ali-D-Akbar authored
Usama Sadiq authored
Python Requirements Update
Zaman Afzal authored
edX requirements bot authored
- Jan 29, 2021
Tim McCormack authored
Feanil Patel authored
Add Anonymous ID related ADR.
Feanil Patel authored
For a given course/user tuple, anonymous ID will not change once it has been generated and saved.
Robert Raposa authored
[TSD] Adding FEATURES[‘ENABLE_EDXNOTES’] annotations
Fox Danger Piacenti authored
Gonzalo authored
fix PEP8 W291 trailing whitespace fix too long lines adding specified django settings for edx-notes-api change toggle_description checking CI tests Final corrections for ENABLE_EDXNOTES toggle
Robert Raposa authored
[TSD] add annotations for ALLOW_EMAIL_ADDRESS_CHANGE feature flag
Robert Raposa authored
[TSD] annotations for student.courseenrollment_admin
Robert Raposa authored
[TSD] adds annotations for XBLOCK_SELECT_FUNCTION
Christie Rice authored
Feanil Patel authored
Change how xBlock URLs are generated to be able to rotate SECRET_KEY
alangsto authored
edx-pipeline-bot authored
Mergeback PR from private to public.
Luis Moreno authored
feat: Move student.courseenrollment_admin from LegacyWaffleSwitch t a WaffleSwitch and add annotations
Usama Sadiq authored
Revert "BOM-2245 : Unpin python-dateutil"