- Mar 12, 2020
Diana Huang authored
Jeremy Bowman authored
We upgraded these before in https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/23119 along with django-countries (which released a new version just before that), but had to revert in https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/23237 because of a performance regression in the admin page for EnterpriseCustomer. We think django-countries was the culprit and have pinned it, so trying these two again by themselves.
Dillon Dumesnil authored
AA-58: Add date-summary-container html back in
David Ormsbee authored
Fix Blockstore XBlock Runtime's handling of occasional S3 errors
Feanil Patel authored
Python Requirements Update
Awais Jibran authored
Remove unnecessary logs.
edX requirements bot authored
Nadeem Shahzad authored
add tags to pytest xdist worker (DOS-678)
Awais Jibran authored
Awais Jibran authored
Zainab Amir authored
Add integration settings to enable upload of videos from from studio. Settings enable user to connect to s3 bucket using mfa and assume role functionality. PROD-1214
- Mar 11, 2020
Nathan Sprenkle authored
* Enable pagiation to show all a learner's teams on the "My Teams" tab * Selectively hide/show pagination on the "My Teams" tab * Increase "My Teams" page size to 5
Braden MacDonald authored
This includes an optimization to the get_bundle_version_files_cached method, which is used very often when loading blockstore data; it was previously being cached only in a process-local cache (lru_cache). My hunch is that in production, with many appservers and LMS workers and frequent deployments and a large number of bundles, the process-local cache is not being hit very often. I also increased the MAX_BLOCKSTORE_CACHE_DELAY from 60s to 300s; this reduces the frequency with which we check if either (A) an external system modified the blockstore bundle and/or (B) we have a cache invalidation bug somewhere. I am increasing it because that check is more expensive than I thought (calling blockstore API to ascertain latest version of a particular bundle), and I haven't seen any cache invalidation errors that this would help to work around. (Plus, increasing this will make such bugs more obvious.)
Braden MacDonald authored
Also improve usefulness of some blockstore runtime logs for debugging Context: Sometimes when trying to load an XBlock's XML file from Amazon S3, AWS will return a 4xx or 5xx response along with error XML like: <Error><Code>NoSuchKey</Code><Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message><Key>foo/bar</Key>...</Error> A bug in the get_bundle_file_data_with_cache method would cause this XML to be returned to the runtime anyways, as if it were the expected OLX. This would then (obviously) lead to strange parsing bugs, e.g. when trying to interpret <Code> as an <xblock-include>. This fixes the bug and improves the logging, both to make this sort of issue easier to debug in the future and to return whatever detailed error code S3 provides (or Blockstore, if S3 is not being used).
edX cache uploader bot authored
Calen Pennington authored
Reset schedule when mode changes
Michael Terry authored
This way if an audit user upgrades a self paced course to verified, their schedule will reset to the current time. AA-60
atesker authored
cr1 cr2 cr3 cr3-remove unused var
Alex Dusenbery authored
Waheed Ahmed authored
The VideoBlock `handle_ajax` is allowing NaN values for speed key and causing videos to not load. Also added a data migration to fix the data for learners. PROD-1148
Dave St.Germain authored
Fixed the studio breadcrumbs to show the current chapter/section name.
Samuel Walladge authored
BROKER_HEARTBEAT appears to interfere with the celery worker configuration. If we want to disable or change the heartbeat interval, It must be from these configuration options. Just setting --without-heartbeat and/or --heartbeat-interval on the workers does not fully work. Eg. --without-heartbeat disables sending heartbeats, but BROKER_HEARTBEAT = 60 means that the connection will get a 60s heartbeat interval negotiated.
Dillon Dumesnil authored
nadeemshahzad authored
Calen Pennington authored
Respect masquerade status when resetting student schedules
Usama Sadiq authored
BOM-1277 Removed constraint on oauthlib and requests-oauthlib
edX requirements bot authored
Ahtisham Shahid authored
update added workaround for CSV report error
usamasadiq authored
adeelehsan authored
Fixed pagination.
adeelehsan authored
Before getting data validate the page number on the current number of pages
- Mar 10, 2020
Jeff LaJoie authored
Uses user local time for dates tab
Dillon Dumesnil authored
AA-36: Link to toggle calendar sync
Calen Pennington authored
edX cache uploader bot authored
Dillon Dumesnil authored
Dave St.Germain authored
Brandon Baker authored
Pulling in changes to try and fix JSONField formatting in django admin. ENT-2677
Jeff LaJoie authored
Michael Terry authored
Don't show reset-dates banner for staff