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Commit 79d6e2f0 authored by Alain Atemnkeng's avatar Alain Atemnkeng :first_place:
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Update 4 files

- /Chart.yaml
- /templates/constraint_image_admission_controller.yaml
- /rego/image_admission_control/policy.rego
- /rego/image_admission_control/policy_test.rego
parent 26e1cbbd
1 merge request!72[PLATFORM-2185] Configure Image Provenance admission control with Gatekeeper
Pipeline #851129 passed with stages
in 16 seconds
apiVersion: v2
name: constraint-templates
version: 1.5.5
version: 1.5.9
appVersion: 1.0.0
package k8simageprovenance
# List of exactly allowed repositories
allowed_repos := {
# Function to extract hostname from image
get_hostname(image) = hostname {
trace(sprintf("Checking hostname for image: %v", [image]))
contains(image, "/")
parts := split(image, "/")
# If the first part contains a '.', assume it's a hostname
contains(parts[0], ".")
hostname := parts[0]
trace(sprintf("Extracted hostname: %v", [hostname]))
} else = "" { # Default to Docker Hub if no hostname is identifiable
not contains(image, "/")
trace("Defaulting to (no hostname found)")
} else = "" { # Default if no '.' in the first part of the name
contains(image, "/")
parts := split(image, "/")
not contains(parts[0], ".")
trace("Defaulting to (no '.' in first part of hostname)")
# Check if image is from an allowed repository
is_from_allowed_repo(image) {
trace(sprintf("Checking if image %v is from an allowed repo", [image]))
hostname := get_hostname(image)
allowed := [repo | repo := allowed_repos[_]; hostname == repo]
result := count(allowed) > 0
trace(sprintf("Image %v allowed: %v", [image, result]))
# Main violation logic for all container types
violation[{"msg": msg}] {
trace("Evaluating violation") == "Pod"
# Check initContainers and ephemeralContainers alongside containers
container_types := ["containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"]
container_type := container_types[_]
container :=[container_type][_]
trace(sprintf("Checking %v image: %v", [container_type, container.image]))
not is_from_allowed_repo(container.image)
msg := sprintf("Image %v in %v is not from an allowed repository. Please contact the platform team", [container.image, container_type])
trace(sprintf("Violation found: %v", [msg]))
package k8simageprovenance
# Helper function to create mock input for a Pod with different types of container images
create_input(image, container_type) = {
"review": {
"object": {
"kind": "Pod",
"spec": {
container_type: [
"image": image
# Test with an allowed image repository
test_with_allowed_image_repository {
container_types := ["containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"]
container_type := container_types[_]
test_input := create_input("", container_type)
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 0
# Test with a disallowed image repository
test_with_disallowed_image_repository {
container_types := ["containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"]
container_type := container_types[_]
test_input := create_input("", container_type)
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 1
# Test with no repository specified (defaults to Docker Hub)
test_with_default_docker_hub_image {
container_types := ["containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"]
container_type := container_types[_]
test_input := create_input("nginx", container_type)
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 0
# Test with multiple containers, mixed repositories
test_with_mixed_repositories {
test_input := {
"review": {
"object": {
"kind": "Pod",
"spec": {
"containers": [
{"image": ""},
{"image": ""}
"initContainers": [
{"image": ""}
"ephemeralContainers": [
{"image": ""}
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 1
# Test with image from Docker Hub's default repository
test_with_docker_hub_default_repository {
container_types := ["containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"]
container_type := container_types[_]
test_input := create_input("alpine", container_type)
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 0
# Test with image from non-standard repository path
test_with_non_standard_repository_path {
container_types := ["containers", "initContainers", "ephemeralContainers"]
container_type := container_types[_]
test_input := create_input("", container_type)
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 0
# Separate tests for each container type with allowed images
test_with_allowed_image_containers {
test_input := create_input("", "containers")
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 0
test_with_allowed_image_init_containers {
test_input := create_input("", "initContainers")
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 0
test_with_allowed_image_ephemeral_containers {
test_input := create_input("", "ephemeralContainers")
results := data.k8simageprovenance.violation with input as test_input
count(results) == 0
......@@ -10,32 +10,8 @@ spec:
type: object
properties: {}
- target:
rego: |
package k8simageprovenance
violation[{"msg": msg}] { == "Pod"
container :=[_]
not startswith(container.image, "")
not startswith(container.image, "")
not startswith(container.image, "")
not startswith(container.image, "")
not startswith(container.image, "")
not startswith(container.image, "harbor.")
not startswith(container.image, "gitlab.")
msg := sprintf("Image %v is not from an allowed repository. Please contact the platform team", [container.image])
kind: K8sImageProvenance
name: image-provenance-constraint
enforcementAction: deny
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Pod"]
{{.Files.Get "rego/image_provenance/policy.rego" | indent 8 }}
\ No newline at end of file
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