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  • "renovate-configure"
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  • renovate/configure
  • setTags
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.021Oct185Jul3May22Mar924Feb25Oct59Aug18Mar29Jan2826Oct30Sep2928Merge branch 'akers-platform-2783' into 'master'mastermaster[PLATFORM-2783] update pprd oidc endpointMerge branch 'nsadineni-master-patch-65069' into 'master'PLATFORM-1800: Add PPRD OIDC endpoint to AWS Platform Role ConnectorUpdate OIDC Endpoint URLMerge branch 'renovate-configure' into 'master'Add renovate.jsonMake use of the role_tags variable.setTagssetTagsAdd renovate.json"renovate-confi…"renovate-configure"Add renovate.jsonrenovate/config…renovate/configureAdd ability to specify the exact cluster endpointMerge branch 'remove-empty-aws-block' into 'master'Remove empty AWS provider block to prevent errorsMerge branch 'docs-update-and-remove-region' into 'master'Add use cases for multiple roles and example of policy attachmentAdd .gitignore fileRemove the region from the aws provider blockUpdate URLs for EKS-provided OIDC endpointsSet default cluster to prodMerge branch 'brmalon2/simplify-cluster-name' into 'master'Simplify cluster names now that we canMerge branch 'update-dvlp-cluster-url' into 'master'Update OIDC URL for dvlp clusterMerge branch 'dvlp-cluster-updates' into 'master'Remove annotation from README (defaults will work now)Remove test cluster and update audience for dvlp clusterAdd test cluster and support differing audiences btw clustersUpdate dvlp cluster to new URLUpdate URL for dvlp OIDC endpointInitial commit