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LIBTD-1257: IAWA migration from Hyrax 2.0.0 based on Hyrax 2.1.0

Janice J Kim requested to merge LIBTD-1257-dev into LIBTD-1256

JIRA Ticket:

What does this Pull Request do?

This PR modifies the IAWA application from Hyrax gem 2.0.0 to 2.1.0.

What are the changes?

Modifications include the following:

How should this be tested?

To test this, please use the InstallScripts branch LIBTD-1257. This will ensure that the appropriate default Hyrax CollectionTypes are installed. Also, use the following settings in your site_secrets.yml :

project_name: 'iawa'
project_git_identifier: 'LIBTD-1257-dev'
project_app_env: 'production'

Note that the project_secret_key_base and project_cas_url will also need to be updated.

Try the following:

  • Attempt to create a collection, both with and without branding images.
  • Attempt to create one or more works, both with and without images.
  • Attempt to associate a work with a collection.
  • Attempt to modify your user profile avatar.
  • Attempt to access the dashboard from the upper right drop down.
  • Try anything else and note any irregularities.

Additional Notes:

Interested parties


Merge request reports