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  • Paul Mather's avatar
    Add support for Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 · 6693e5bf
    Paul Mather authored
    This change adds support for deploying to Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 as well as continuing support for deployment to Ubuntu Trusty 14.04. The implementation lays the groundwork for supporting the recently-released Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 LTS in like fashion.
    The main approach to supporting multiple OSes is to parameterise settings into different OS-related files and then use "include_vars" in conjunction with "with_first_found" to load the most appropriate settings based upon "ansible_distribution" and other "ansible_distribution_*" values. The order of "with_first_found" is such that more specific OS releases can override less general ones, with "defaults.yml" being a catch-all for settings common to all supported releases.
    In Vagrant terms, the box used will determine the "ansible_distribution_*" values.  It currently defaults to "bento/ubuntu14.04" but can be overridden by setting the VAGRANT_VM_BOX environment variable.
    For a limited set of boxes, the Vagrantfile knows how to map the box name to the corresponding Ubuntu release.  This is needed because Ubuntu Xenial comes with Python 3 installed.  As such, "ansible_python_interpreter" must be added as an extra variable in the inventory for the guest VM host being deployed to in the case of a Xenial Vagrant box.  Vagrant's "host_vars" is used to accomplish this purpose.