import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { RemoteData } from '../core/data/remote-data';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { SearchResult } from './searchresult.model';
import { ItemDataService } from '../core/data/item-data.service';
import { PageInfo } from '../core/shared/page-info.model';
import { DSpaceObject } from '../core/shared/dspace-object.model';
import { SearchOptions } from './search.models';
import { hasValue } from '../shared/empty.util';
import { Metadatum } from '../core/shared/metadatum.model';
export class SearchService {
idsToMock: string[] = new Array(
mockedHighlights: string[] = new Array(
'This is a <em>sample abstract</em>.',
'This is a sample abstract. But, to fill up some space, here\'s <em>"Hello"</em> in several different languages : ',
'This is a Sample HTML webpage including several <em>images</em> and styles (CSS).',
'This is <em>really</em> just a sample abstract. But, Í’vé thrown ïn a cõuple of spëciâl charactèrs för êxtrå fuñ!',
'This abstract is <em>really quite great</em>',
'The solution structure of the <em>bee</em> venom neurotoxin',
'BACKGROUND: The <em>Open Archive Initiative (OAI)</em> refers to a movement started around the \'90 s to guarantee free access to scientific information',
'The collision fault detection of a <em>XXY</em> stage is proposed for the first time in this paper',
'<em>This was blank in the actual item, no abstract</em>',
'<em>The QSAR DataBank (QsarDB) repository</em>',
constructor(private itemDataService: ItemDataService) {
search(query: string, scopeId: string, searchOptions: SearchOptions): RemoteData<SearchResult<DSpaceObject>[]> {
let self = `${query}&scope=${scopeId}`;
const requestPending = Observable.of(false);
const responsePending = Observable.of(false);
const isSuccessFul = Observable.of(true);
const errorMessage = Observable.of(undefined);
const statusCode = Observable.of('200');
let returningPageInfo = new PageInfo();
returningPageInfo.elementsPerPage = searchOptions.elementsPerPage;
returningPageInfo.currentPage = searchOptions.currentPage;
returningPageInfo.totalPages = this.totalPages;
returningPageInfo.totalElements= this.idsToMock.length*this.totalPages;
const pageInfo = Observable.of(returningPageInfo);
let mockSearchResults: SearchResult<DSpaceObject>[] = [];
let dsoObsArr = [];
this.idsToMock = this.idsToMock
this.idsToMock.forEach((id,index) => {
let remoteObject: RemoteData<DSpaceObject> = this.itemDataService.findById(id);
let dsoObs = remoteObject.payload.take(1);
dsoObs.subscribe((dso: DSpaceObject) => {
let mockResult: SearchResult<DSpaceObject> = new SearchResult();
mockResult.result = dso;
// Use a mocked highlight based on the index of the loop
let highlight = new Metadatum();
highlight.key = 'dc.description.abstract';
highlight.value = this.mockedHighlights[index];
mockResult.hitHiglights = new Array(highlight);
// combineLatest ->Merges observables. When this is done, put the "mockSearchResults" as a payload
const payload = Observable.combineLatest(...dsoObsArr
, () => {
// Shuffle the searchresult to mimick a changed in the query
let randomization: number[] = new Array(-1, 0, 1);
let number = randomization[ Math.floor(Math.random() * randomization.length) ];
return mockSearchResults.sort(() => number);
return new RemoteData(