import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { GlobalConfig } from '../../../config';
import { hasValue, isNotEmpty } from '../../shared/empty.util';
import { RemoteDataBuildService } from '../cache/builders/remote-data-build.service';
import { CacheableObject } from '../cache/object-cache.reducer';
import { ResponseCacheService } from '../cache/response-cache.service';
import { CoreState } from '../core.reducers';
import { GenericConstructor } from '../shared/generic-constructor';
import { HALEndpointService } from '../shared/hal-endpoint.service';
import { URLCombiner } from '../url-combiner/url-combiner';
import { PaginatedList } from './paginated-list';
import { RemoteData } from './remote-data';
import { FindAllOptions, FindAllRequest, FindByIDRequest, GetRequest } from './request.models';
import { RequestService } from './request.service';
export abstract class DataService<TNormalized extends CacheableObject, TDomain> extends HALEndpointService {
protected abstract responseCache: ResponseCacheService;
protected abstract requestService: RequestService;
protected abstract store: Store<CoreState>;
protected abstract linkName: string;
protected abstract EnvConfig: GlobalConfig;
protected normalizedResourceType: GenericConstructor<TNormalized>,
public abstract getScopedEndpoint(scope: string): Observable<string>
protected getFindAllHref(endpoint, options: FindAllOptions = {}): Observable<string> {
if (hasValue(options.scopeID)) {
result = this.getScopedEndpoint(options.scopeID).distinctUntilChanged();
if (hasValue(options.currentPage) && typeof options.currentPage === 'number') {
/* TODO: this is a temporary fix for the pagination start index (0 or 1) discrepancy between the rest and the frontend respectively */
args.push(`page=${options.currentPage - 1}`);
if (hasValue(options.elementsPerPage)) {
if (hasValue(options.sort)) {
let direction = 'asc';
if (options.sort.direction === 1) {
direction = 'desc';
if (isNotEmpty(args)) {
return string) => new URLCombiner(href, `?${args.join('&')}`).toString());
findAll(options: FindAllOptions = {}): Observable<RemoteData<PaginatedList<TDomain>>> {
const hrefObs = this.getEndpoint().filter((href: string) => isNotEmpty(href))
.flatMap((endpoint: string) => this.getFindAllHref(endpoint, options));
.filter((href: string) => hasValue(href))
.subscribe((href: string) => {
const request = new FindAllRequest(this.requestService.generateRequestId(), href, options);
return this.rdbService.buildList<TNormalized, TDomain>(hrefObs, this.normalizedResourceType) as Observable<RemoteData<PaginatedList<TDomain>>>;
getFindByIDHref(endpoint, resourceID): string {
return `${endpoint}/${resourceID}`;
findById(id: string): Observable<RemoteData<TDomain>> {
const hrefObs = this.getEndpoint()
.map((endpoint: string) => this.getFindByIDHref(endpoint, id));
.filter((href: string) => hasValue(href))
.subscribe((href: string) => {
const request = new FindByIDRequest(this.requestService.generateRequestId(), href, id);
return this.rdbService.buildSingle<TNormalized, TDomain>(hrefObs, this.normalizedResourceType);
findByHref(href: string): Observable<RemoteData<TDomain>> {
this.requestService.configure(new GetRequest(this.requestService.generateRequestId(), href));
return this.rdbService.buildSingle<TNormalized, TDomain>(href, this.normalizedResourceType);
// TODO implement, after the structure of the REST server's POST response is finalized
// create(dso: DSpaceObject): Observable<RemoteData<TDomain>> {
// const postHrefObs = this.getEndpoint();
// // TODO ID is unknown at this point
// const idHrefObs = string) => this.getFindByIDHref(href,;
// postHrefObs
// .filter((href: string) => hasValue(href))
// .take(1)
// .subscribe((href: string) => {
// const request = new RestRequest(this.requestService.generateRequestId(), href, RestRequestMethod.Post, dso);
// this.requestService.configure(request);
// });
// return this.rdbService.buildSingle<TNormalized, TDomain>(idHrefObs, this.normalizedResourceType);
// }