import { autoserialize, deserialize, inheritSerialization } from 'cerialize';
Marie Verdonck
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { link, typedObject } from '../cache/builders/build-decorators';
Marie Verdonck
import { PaginatedList } from '../data/paginated-list';
import { RemoteData } from '../data/remote-data';
Marie Verdonck
import { BITSTREAM } from './bitstream.resource-type';
import { COLLECTION } from './collection.resource-type';
import { DSpaceObject } from './dspace-object.model';
Marie Verdonck
import { LICENSE } from './license.resource-type';
import { ResourcePolicy } from './resource-policy.model';
Marie Verdonck
import { RESOURCE_POLICY } from './resource-policy.resource-type';
import { COMMUNITY } from './community.resource-type';
import { Community } from './community.model';
import { ChildHALResource } from './child-hal-resource.model';
import { GROUP } from '../eperson/models/group.resource-type';
import { Group } from '../eperson/models/group.model';
export class Collection extends DSpaceObject implements ChildHALResource {
Marie Verdonck
static type = COLLECTION;
* A string representing the unique handle of this Collection
handle: string;
_links: {
license: HALLink;
harvester: HALLink;
mappedItems: HALLink;
itemtemplate: HALLink;
defaultAccessConditions: HALLink;
logo: HALLink;
self: HALLink;
* The license for this Collection
* Will be undefined unless the license {@link HALLink} has been resolved.
license?: Observable<RemoteData<License>>;
* The logo for this Collection
* Will be undefined unless the logo {@link HALLink} has been resolved.
logo?: Observable<RemoteData<Bitstream>>;
* The default access conditions for this Collection
* Will be undefined unless the defaultAccessConditions {@link HALLink} has been resolved.
@link(RESOURCE_POLICY, true)
defaultAccessConditions?: Observable<RemoteData<PaginatedList<ResourcePolicy>>>;
* The Community that is a direct parent of this Collection
* Will be undefined unless the parent community HALLink has been resolved.
@link(COMMUNITY, false)
parentCommunity?: Observable<RemoteData<Community>>;
* The administrators group of this community.
adminGroup?: Observable<RemoteData<Group>>;
* The introductory text of this Collection
* Corresponds to the metadata field dc.description
get introductoryText(): string {
return this.firstMetadataValue('dc.description');
* The short description: HTML
* Corresponds to the metadata field dc.description.abstract
get shortDescription(): string {
return this.firstMetadataValue('dc.description.abstract');
* The copyright text of this Collection
* Corresponds to the metadata field dc.rights
get copyrightText(): string {
return this.firstMetadataValue('dc.rights');
* The license of this Collection
* Corresponds to the metadata field dc.rights.license
return this.firstMetadataValue('dc.rights.license');
* The sidebar text of this Collection
* Corresponds to the metadata field dc.description.tableofcontents
get sidebarText(): string {
return this.firstMetadataValue('dc.description.tableofcontents');
getParentLinkKey(): keyof this['_links'] {
return 'parentCommunity';