"footer": {
"copyright": "copyright © 2002-{{ year }}",
"link.dspace": "DSpace software",
"link.duraspace": "DuraSpace"
"collection": {
"page": {
"news": "News",
"license": "License",
"browse": {
"recent": {
"head": "Recent Submissions"
Christian Scheible
"community": {
"page": {
"news": "News",
"license": "License"
"sub-collection-list": {
"head": "Collections of this Community"
"item": {
"page": {
"author": "Author",
"abstract": "Abstract",
"date": "Date",
"collections": "Collections",
"filesection": {
"download": "Download",
"name": "Name:",
"format": "Format:",
"size": "Size:",
"description": "Description:"
"link": {
"simple": "Simple item page",
"full": "Full item page"
"login": "Log In",
"logout": "Log Out"
"pagination": {
"results-per-page": "Results Per Page",
"sort-direction": "Sort Options",
"detail": "{{ range }} of {{ total }}"
"score": {
"DESC": "Relevance"
"dc.title": {
"ASC": "Title Ascending",
"DESC": "Title Descending"
"404": {
"help": "We can't find the page you're looking for. The page may have been moved or deleted. You can use the button below to get back to the home page. ",
"page-not-found": "page not found",
"link": {
"home-page": "Take me to the home page"
"title": "DSpace Angular :: Home",
"description": "",
"top-level-communities": {
"head": "Communities in DSpace",
"help": "Select a community to browse its collections."
"title": "DSpace Angular :: Search",
"description": "",
"form": {
"search": "Search",
"search_dspace": "Search DSpace"
"results": {
"head": "Search Results",
"no-results": "There were no results for this search"
"sidebar": {
"close": "Back to results",
"open": "Search Tools",
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"sort-by": "Sort By",
"rpp": "Results per page"
"view-switch": {
"show-list": "Show as list",
"show-grid": "Show as grid"
"filters": {
"head": "Filters",
"applied": {
"": "Author",
"f.dateIssued.min": "Start date",
"f.dateIssued.max": "End date",
"f.subject": "Subject",
"f.has_content_in_original_bundle": "Has files"
"show-less": "Collapse",
"placeholder": "Author name",
"head": "Author"
"placeholder": "Scope filter",
"head": "Scope"
"placeholder": "Subject",
"head": "Subject"
"dateIssued": {
"max": {
"placeholder": "Minimum Date"
"min": {
"placeholder": "Maximum Date"
"has_content_in_original_bundle": {
"head": "Has files"
"admin": {
"registries": {
"metadata": {
"title": "DSpace Angular :: Metadata Registry",
"head": "Metadata Registry",
"description": "The metadata registry maintains a list of all metadata fields available in the repository. These fields may be divided amongst multiple schemas. However, DSpace requires the qualified Dublin Core schema.",
"no-items": "No metadata schemas to show."
"title": "DSpace Angular :: Metadata Schema Registry",
"description": "This is the metadata schema for \"{{namespace}}\".",
"fields": {
"head": "Schema metadata fields",
"table": {
"field": "Field",
"no-items": "No metadata fields to show."
"bitstream-formats": {
"title": "DSpace Angular :: Bitstream Format Registry",
"head": "Bitstream Format Registry",
"description": "This list of bitstream formats provides information about known formats and their support level.",
"formats": {
"table": {
"name": "Name",
"mimetype": "MIME Type",
"supportLevel": {
"head": "Support Level",
"0": "Unknown",
"1": "Known",
"2": "Support"
"internal": "internal"
"no-items": "No bitstream formats to show."
"default": "Loading...",
"top-level-communities": "Loading top level communities...",
"community": "Loading community...",
"collection": "Loading collection...",
"sub-collections": "Loading sub-collections...",
"recent-submissions": "Loading recent submissions...",
"item": "Loading item...",
"objects": "Loading...",
"search-results": "Loading search results..."
"default": "Error",
"top-level-communities": "Error fetching top level communities",
"community": "Error fetching community",
"collection": "Error fetching collection",
"sub-collections": "Error fetching sub-collections",
"recent-submissions": "Error fetching recent submissions",
"item": "Error fetching item",
"objects": "Error fetching objects",
"search-results": "Error fetching search results"
"login": {
"title": "Login",
"form": {
"header": "Please log in to DSpace",
"forgot-password": "Have you forgotten your password?",
"new-user": "New user? Click here to register.",
"password": "Password",
"submit": "Log in"
"logout": {
"title": "Logout",
"form": {
"header": "Log out from DSpace",
"submit": "Log out"
"auth": {
"messages": {
"expired": "Your session has expired. Please log in again."
"errors": {
"invalid-user": "Invalid email or password."