lotte authored172d3891
environment.common.ts 5.85 KiB
import { GlobalConfig } from '../config/global-config.interface';
import { NotificationAnimationsType } from '../app/shared/notifications/models/notification-animations-type';
import { BrowseByType } from '../app/+browse-by/+browse-by-switcher/browse-by-decorator';
import { RestRequestMethod } from '../app/core/data/rest-request-method';
export const environment: GlobalConfig = {
production: true,
// Angular Universal server settings.
ui: {
ssl: false,
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000,
// NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
nameSpace: '/',
// The REST API server settings.
rest: {
ssl: true,
host: 'dspace7.4science.cloud',
port: 443,
// NOTE: Space is capitalized because 'namespace' is a reserved string in TypeScript
nameSpace: '/server/api',
// Caching settings
cache: {
// NOTE: how long should objects be cached for by default
msToLive: {
default: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
// msToLive: 1000, // 15 minutes
control: 'max-age=60', // revalidate browser
autoSync: {
defaultTime: 0,
maxBufferSize: 100,
timePerMethod: {[RestRequestMethod.PATCH]: 3} as any // time in seconds
// Form settings
form: {
// NOTE: Map server-side validators to comparative Angular form validators
validatorMap: {
required: 'required',
regex: 'pattern'
// Notifications
notifications: {
rtl: false,
position: ['top', 'right'],
maxStack: 8,
// NOTE: after how many seconds notification is closed automatically. If set to zero notifications are not closed automatically
timeOut: 5000, // 5 second
clickToClose: true,
// NOTE: 'fade' | 'fromTop' | 'fromRight' | 'fromBottom' | 'fromLeft' | 'rotate' | 'scale'
animate: NotificationAnimationsType.Scale
// Submission settings
submission: {
autosave: {
// NOTE: which metadata trigger an autosave
metadata: ['dc.title', 'dc.identifier.doi', 'dc.identifier.pmid', 'dc.identifier.arxiv'],
// NOTE: every how many minutes submission is saved automatically
timer: 5
icons: {
metadata: [
* NOTE: example of configuration
* {
* // NOTE: metadata name
* name: 'dc.author',
* // NOTE: fontawesome (v5.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
* style: 'fa-user'
* }
name: 'dc.author',
style: 'fas fa-user'
// default configuration
name: 'default',
style: ''
authority: {
confidence: [
* NOTE: example of configuration
* {
* // NOTE: confidence value
* value: 'dc.author',
* // NOTE: fontawesome (v4.x) icon classes and bootstrap utility classes can be used
* style: 'fa-user'
* }
value: 600,
style: 'text-success'
value: 500,
style: 'text-info'
value: 400,
style: 'text-warning'
// default configuration
value: 'default',
style: 'text-muted'
// Angular Universal settings
universal: {
preboot: true,
async: true,
time: false
// Google Analytics tracking id
gaTrackingId: '',
// Log directory
logDirectory: '.',
// NOTE: will log all redux actions and transfers in console
debug: false,
// Default Language in which the UI will be rendered if the user's browser language is not an active language
defaultLanguage: 'en',
// Languages. DSpace Angular holds a message catalog for each of the following languages.
// When set to active, users will be able to switch to the use of this language in the user interface.
languages: [{
code: 'en',
label: 'English',
active: true,
}, {
code: 'de',
label: 'Deutsch',
active: true,
}, {
code: 'cs',
label: 'Čeština',
active: true,
}, {
code: 'nl',
label: 'Nederlands',
active: true,
}, {
code: 'pt',
label: 'Português',
active: true,
}, {
code: 'fr',
label: 'Français',
active: true,
}, {
code: 'lv',
label: 'Latviešu',
active: true,
// Browse-By Pages
browseBy: {
// Amount of years to display using jumps of one year (current year - oneYearLimit)
oneYearLimit: 10,
// Limit for years to display using jumps of five years (current year - fiveYearLimit)
fiveYearLimit: 30,
// The absolute lowest year to display in the dropdown (only used when no lowest date can be found for all items)
defaultLowerLimit: 1900,
// List of all the active Browse-By types
// Adding a type will activate their Browse-By page and add them to the global navigation menu,
// as well as community and collection pages
// Allowed fields and their purpose:
// id: The browse id to use for fetching info from the rest api
// type: The type of Browse-By page to display
// metadataField: The metadata-field used to create starts-with options (only necessary when the type is set to 'date')
types: [
id: 'title',
type: BrowseByType.Title,
id: 'dateissued',
type: BrowseByType.Date,
metadataField: 'dc.date.issued'
id: 'author',
type: BrowseByType.Metadata
id: 'subject',
type: BrowseByType.Metadata
item: {
edit: {
undoTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds
collection: {
edit: {
undoTimeout: 10000 // 10 seconds
theme: {
name: 'default',