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Kristof De Langhe authored20f8f913
server-sync-buffer.effects.spec.ts 4.71 KiB
import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { provideMockActions } from '@ngrx/effects/testing';
import { Store, StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
import { cold, hot } from 'jasmine-marbles';
import { Observable, of as observableOf } from 'rxjs';
import * as operators from 'rxjs/operators';
import { GLOBAL_CONFIG } from '../../../config';
import { getMockRequestService } from '../../shared/mocks/mock-request.service';
import { MockStore } from '../../shared/testing/mock-store';
import { spyOnOperator } from '../../shared/testing/utils';
import { RequestService } from '../data/request.service';
import { RestRequestMethod } from '../data/rest-request-method';
import { DSpaceObject } from '../shared/dspace-object.model';
import { ApplyPatchObjectCacheAction } from './object-cache.actions';
import { ObjectCacheService } from './object-cache.service';
import { CommitSSBAction, EmptySSBAction, ServerSyncBufferActionTypes } from './server-sync-buffer.actions';
import { ServerSyncBufferEffects } from './server-sync-buffer.effects';
describe('ServerSyncBufferEffects', () => {
let ssbEffects: ServerSyncBufferEffects;
let actions: Observable<any>;
const testConfig = {
timePerMethod: {},
defaultTime: 0
const selfLink = 'https://rest.api/endpoint/1698f1d3-be98-4c51-9fd8-6bfedcbd59b7';
let store;
beforeEach(() => {
imports: [
providers: [
provideMockActions(() => actions),
{ provide: GLOBAL_CONFIG, useValue: testConfig },
{ provide: RequestService, useValue: getMockRequestService() },
provide: ObjectCacheService, useValue: {
getObjectBySelfLink: (link) => {
const object = Object.assign(new DSpaceObject(), {
_links: { self: { href: link } }
return observableOf(object);
getBySelfLink: (link) => {
const object = Object.assign(new DSpaceObject(), {
_links: {
self: { href: link }
return observableOf(object);
{ provide: Store, useClass: MockStore }
// other providers
store = TestBed.get(Store);
ssbEffects = TestBed.get(ServerSyncBufferEffects);
describe('setTimeoutForServerSync', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
spyOnOperator(operators, 'delay').and.returnValue((v) => v);
it('should return a COMMIT action in response to an ADD action', () => {
actions = hot('a', {
a: {
type: ServerSyncBufferActionTypes.ADD,
payload: { href: selfLink, method: RestRequestMethod.PUT }
const expected = cold('b', { b: new CommitSSBAction(RestRequestMethod.PUT) });
describe('commitServerSyncBuffer', () => {
describe('when the buffer is not empty', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
.subscribe((state) => {
(state as any).core = Object({});
(state as any).core['cache/syncbuffer'] = {
buffer: [{
href: selfLink,
method: RestRequestMethod.PATCH
it('should return a list of actions in response to a COMMIT action', () => {
actions = hot('a', {
a: {
type: ServerSyncBufferActionTypes.COMMIT,
payload: RestRequestMethod.PATCH
const expected = cold('(bc)', {
b: new ApplyPatchObjectCacheAction(selfLink),
c: new EmptySSBAction(RestRequestMethod.PATCH)
describe('when the buffer is empty', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
.subscribe((state) => {
(state as any).core = Object({});
(state as any).core['cache/syncbuffer'] = {
buffer: []
it('should return a placeholder action in response to a COMMIT action', () => {
actions = hot('a', {
a: {
type: ServerSyncBufferActionTypes.COMMIT,
payload: { method: RestRequestMethod.PATCH }
const expected = cold('b', { b: { type: 'NO_ACTION' } });