lotte authored5cbe8ffb
comcol-data.service.ts 2.76 KiB
import { distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, mergeMap, take, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { merge as observableMerge, Observable, throwError as observableThrowError } from 'rxjs';
import { isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from '../../shared/empty.util';
import { NormalizedCommunity } from '../cache/models/normalized-community.model';
import { ObjectCacheService } from '../cache/object-cache.service';
import { ResponseCacheEntry } from '../cache/response-cache.reducer';
import { CommunityDataService } from './community-data.service';
import { DataService } from './data.service';
import { FindAllOptions, FindByIDRequest } from './request.models';
import { NormalizedObject } from '../cache/models/normalized-object.model';
import { HALEndpointService } from '../shared/hal-endpoint.service';
export abstract class ComColDataService<TNormalized extends NormalizedObject, TDomain> extends DataService<TNormalized, TDomain> {
protected abstract cds: CommunityDataService;
protected abstract objectCache: ObjectCacheService;
protected abstract halService: HALEndpointService;
* Get the scoped endpoint URL by fetching the object with
* the given scopeID and returning its HAL link with this
* data-service's linkPath
* @param {string} scopeID
* the id of the scope object
* @return { Observable<string> }
* an Observable<string> containing the scoped URL
public getBrowseEndpoint(options: FindAllOptions = {}): Observable<string> {
if (isEmpty(options.scopeID)) {
return this.halService.getEndpoint(this.linkPath);
} else {
const scopeCommunityHrefObs = this.cds.getEndpoint().pipe(
mergeMap((endpoint: string) => this.cds.getFindByIDHref(endpoint, options.scopeID)),
filter((href: string) => isNotEmpty(href)),
tap((href: string) => {
const request = new FindByIDRequest(this.requestService.generateRequestId(), href, options.scopeID);
const responses = scopeCommunityHrefObs.pipe(
mergeMap((href: string) => this.responseCache.get(href)),
map((entry: ResponseCacheEntry) => entry.response));
const errorResponses = responses.pipe(
filter((response) => !response.isSuccessful),
mergeMap(() => observableThrowError(new Error(`The Community with scope ${options.scopeID} couldn't be retrieved`)))
const successResponses = responses.pipe(
filter((response) => response.isSuccessful),
mergeMap(() => this.objectCache.getByUUID(options.scopeID)),
map((nc: NormalizedCommunity) => nc._links[this.linkPath]),
filter((href) => isNotEmpty(href))
return observableMerge(errorResponses, successResponses).pipe(distinctUntilChanged());