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Commit bb5575cd authored by Art Lowel's avatar Art Lowel
Browse files

Refactored Data Services

parent 9364c32a
No related merge requests found
with 215 additions and 110 deletions
import { combineReducers } from "@ngrx/store";
import { RequestCacheState, requestCacheReducer } from "./request-cache.reducer";
import { ObjectCacheState, objectCacheReducer } from "./object-cache.reducer";
export interface CacheState {
request: RequestCacheState,
object: ObjectCacheState
export const reducers = {
request: requestCacheReducer,
object: objectCacheReducer
export function cacheReducer(state: any, action: any) {
return combineReducers(reducers)(state, action);
import { Action } from "@ngrx/store";
import { type } from "../../../shared/ngrx/type";
import { CacheableObject } from "./cache.reducer";
import { type } from "../../shared/ngrx/type";
import { CacheableObject } from "./object-cache.reducer";
export const CacheActionTypes = {
ADD: type('dspace/core/data/cache/ADD'),
REMOVE: type('dspace/core/data/cache/REMOVE')
export const ObjectCacheActionTypes = {
ADD: type('dspace/core/cache/object/ADD'),
REMOVE: type('dspace/core/cache/object/REMOVE')
export class AddToCacheAction implements Action {
type = CacheActionTypes.ADD;
export class AddToObjectCacheAction implements Action {
type = ObjectCacheActionTypes.ADD;
payload: {
objectToCache: CacheableObject;
msToLive: number;
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ export class AddToCacheAction implements Action {
export class RemoveFromCacheAction implements Action {
type = CacheActionTypes.REMOVE;
export class RemoveFromObjectCacheAction implements Action {
type = ObjectCacheActionTypes.REMOVE;
payload: string;
constructor(uuid: string) {
......@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ export class RemoveFromCacheAction implements Action {
export type CacheAction
= AddToCacheAction
| RemoveFromCacheAction
export type ObjectCacheAction
= AddToObjectCacheAction
| RemoveFromObjectCacheAction
import { CacheAction, CacheActionTypes, AddToCacheAction, RemoveFromCacheAction } from "./cache.actions";
import { hasValue } from "../../../shared/empty.util";
import { ObjectCacheAction, ObjectCacheActionTypes, AddToObjectCacheAction, RemoveFromObjectCacheAction } from "./object-cache.actions";
import { hasValue } from "../../shared/empty.util";
export interface CacheableObject {
uuid: string;
export interface CacheEntry {
export interface ObjectCacheEntry {
data: CacheableObject;
timeAdded: number;
msToLive: number;
export interface CacheState {
[uuid: string]: CacheEntry
export interface ObjectCacheState {
[uuid: string]: ObjectCacheEntry
// Object.create(null) ensures the object has no default js properties (e.g. `__proto__`)
const initialState: CacheState = Object.create(null);
const initialState: ObjectCacheState = Object.create(null);
export const cacheReducer = (state = initialState, action: CacheAction): CacheState => {
export const objectCacheReducer = (state = initialState, action: ObjectCacheAction): ObjectCacheState => {
switch (action.type) {
case CacheActionTypes.ADD: {
return addToCache(state, <AddToCacheAction>action);
case ObjectCacheActionTypes.ADD: {
return addToObjectCache(state, <AddToObjectCacheAction>action);
case CacheActionTypes.REMOVE: {
return removeFromCache(state, <RemoveFromCacheAction>action)
case ObjectCacheActionTypes.REMOVE: {
return removeFromObjectCache(state, <RemoveFromObjectCacheAction>action)
default: {
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export const cacheReducer = (state = initialState, action: CacheAction): CacheSt
function addToCache(state: CacheState, action: AddToCacheAction): CacheState {
function addToObjectCache(state: ObjectCacheState, action: AddToObjectCacheAction): ObjectCacheState {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
[action.payload.objectToCache.uuid]: {
data: action.payload.objectToCache,
......@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ function addToCache(state: CacheState, action: AddToCacheAction): CacheState {
function removeFromCache(state: CacheState, action: RemoveFromCacheAction): CacheState {
function removeFromObjectCache(state: ObjectCacheState, action: RemoveFromObjectCacheAction): ObjectCacheState {
if (hasValue(state[action.payload])) {
let newCache = Object.assign({}, state);
delete newCache[action.payload];
let newObjectCache = Object.assign({}, state);
delete newObjectCache[action.payload];
return newCache;
return newObjectCache;
else {
return state;
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
import { CacheState, CacheEntry, CacheableObject } from "./cache.reducer";
import { AddToCacheAction, RemoveFromCacheAction } from "./cache.actions";
import { ObjectCacheState, ObjectCacheEntry, CacheableObject } from "./object-cache.reducer";
import { AddToObjectCacheAction, RemoveFromObjectCacheAction } from "./object-cache.actions";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { hasNoValue } from "../../../shared/empty.util";
import { hasNoValue } from "../../shared/empty.util";
export class CacheService {
export class ObjectCacheService {
private store: Store<CacheState>
private store: Store<ObjectCacheState>
) {}
add(objectToCache: CacheableObject, msToLive: number): void { AddToCacheAction(objectToCache, msToLive)); AddToObjectCacheAction(objectToCache, msToLive));
remove(uuid: string): void { RemoveFromCacheAction(uuid)); RemoveFromObjectCacheAction(uuid));
get<T extends CacheableObject>(uuid: string): Observable<T> {
return<CacheEntry>('core', 'cache', uuid)
return<ObjectCacheEntry>('core', 'cache', 'object', uuid)
.filter(entry => this.isValid(entry))
.map((entry: CacheEntry) => <T>;
.map((entry: ObjectCacheEntry) => <T>;
getList<T extends CacheableObject>(uuids: Array<string>): Observable<Array<T>> {
......@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ export class CacheService {
has(uuid: string): boolean {
let result: boolean;<CacheEntry>('core', 'cache', uuid)<ObjectCacheEntry>('core', 'cache', 'object', uuid)
.subscribe(entry => result = this.isValid(entry));
return result;
private isValid(entry: CacheEntry): boolean {
private isValid(entry: ObjectCacheEntry): boolean {
if (hasNoValue(entry)) {
return false;
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export class CacheService {
const timeOutdated = entry.timeAdded + entry.msToLive;
const isOutDated = new Date().getTime() > timeOutdated;
if (isOutDated) { RemoveFromCacheAction(; RemoveFromObjectCacheAction(;
return !isOutDated;
......@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ import { type } from "../../shared/ngrx/type";
import { PaginationOptions } from "../shared/pagination-options.model";
import { SortOptions } from "../shared/sort-options.model";
export const DataActionTypes = {
FIND_BY_ID_REQUEST: type('dspace/core/data/FIND_BY_ID_REQUEST'),
FIND_ALL_REQUEST: type('dspace/core/data/FIND_ALL_REQUEST'),
SUCCESS: type('dspace/core/data/SUCCESS'),
ERROR: type('dspace/core/data/ERROR')
export const RequestCacheActionTypes = {
FIND_BY_ID_REQUEST: type('dspace/core/cache/request/FIND_BY_ID_REQUEST'),
FIND_ALL_REQUEST: type('dspace/core/cache/request/FIND_ALL_REQUEST'),
SUCCESS: type('dspace/core/cache/request/SUCCESS'),
ERROR: type('dspace/core/cache/request/ERROR')
export class DataFindAllRequestAction implements Action {
type = DataActionTypes.FIND_ALL_REQUEST;
export class FindAllRequestCacheAction implements Action {
type = RequestCacheActionTypes.FIND_ALL_REQUEST;
payload: {
key: string,
service: OpaqueToken,
......@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ export class DataFindAllRequestAction implements Action {
export class DataFindByIDRequestAction implements Action {
type = DataActionTypes.FIND_BY_ID_REQUEST;
export class FindByIDRequestCacheAction implements Action {
type = RequestCacheActionTypes.FIND_BY_ID_REQUEST;
payload: {
key: string,
service: OpaqueToken,
......@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ export class DataFindByIDRequestAction implements Action {
export class DataSuccessAction implements Action {
type = DataActionTypes.SUCCESS;
export class RequestCacheSuccessAction implements Action {
type = RequestCacheActionTypes.SUCCESS;
payload: {
key: string,
resourceUUIDs: Array<string>
......@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ export class DataSuccessAction implements Action {
export class DataErrorAction implements Action {
type = DataActionTypes.ERROR;
export class RequestCacheErrorAction implements Action {
type = RequestCacheActionTypes.ERROR;
payload: {
key: string,
errorMessage: string
......@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ export class DataErrorAction implements Action {
export type DataAction
= DataFindAllRequestAction
| DataFindByIDRequestAction
| DataSuccessAction
| DataErrorAction;
export type RequestCacheAction
= FindAllRequestCacheAction
| FindByIDRequestCacheAction
| RequestCacheSuccessAction
| RequestCacheErrorAction;
import { PaginationOptions } from "../shared/pagination-options.model";
import { SortOptions } from "../shared/sort-options.model";
import {
DataAction, DataActionTypes, DataFindAllRequestAction,
DataSuccessAction, DataErrorAction, DataFindByIDRequestAction
} from "./data.actions";
RequestCacheAction, RequestCacheActionTypes, FindAllRequestCacheAction,
RequestCacheSuccessAction, RequestCacheErrorAction, FindByIDRequestCacheAction
} from "./request-cache.actions";
import { OpaqueToken } from "@angular/core";
export interface DataRequestState {
export interface CachedRequest {
service: OpaqueToken
scopeID: string;
resourceID: string;
......@@ -20,30 +20,30 @@ export interface DataRequestState {
msToLive: number;
export interface DataState {
[key: string]: DataRequestState
export interface RequestCacheState {
[key: string]: CachedRequest
// Object.create(null) ensures the object has no default js properties (e.g. `__proto__`)
const initialState = Object.create(null);
export const dataReducer = (state = initialState, action: DataAction): DataState => {
export const requestCacheReducer = (state = initialState, action: RequestCacheAction): RequestCacheState => {
switch (action.type) {
case DataActionTypes.FIND_ALL_REQUEST: {
return findAllRequest(state, <DataFindAllRequestAction> action);
case RequestCacheActionTypes.FIND_ALL_REQUEST: {
return findAllRequest(state, <FindAllRequestCacheAction> action);
case DataActionTypes.FIND_BY_ID_REQUEST: {
return findByIDRequest(state, <DataFindByIDRequestAction> action);
case RequestCacheActionTypes.FIND_BY_ID_REQUEST: {
return findByIDRequest(state, <FindByIDRequestCacheAction> action);
case DataActionTypes.SUCCESS: {
return success(state, <DataSuccessAction> action);
case RequestCacheActionTypes.SUCCESS: {
return success(state, <RequestCacheSuccessAction> action);
case DataActionTypes.ERROR: {
return error(state, <DataErrorAction> action);
case RequestCacheActionTypes.ERROR: {
return error(state, <RequestCacheErrorAction> action);
default: {
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export const dataReducer = (state = initialState, action: DataAction): DataState
function findAllRequest(state: DataState, action: DataFindAllRequestAction): DataState {
function findAllRequest(state: RequestCacheState, action: FindAllRequestCacheAction): RequestCacheState {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
[action.payload.key]: {
service: action.payload.service,
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ function findAllRequest(state: DataState, action: DataFindAllRequestAction): Dat
function findByIDRequest(state: DataState, action: DataFindByIDRequestAction): DataState {
function findByIDRequest(state: RequestCacheState, action: FindByIDRequestCacheAction): RequestCacheState {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
[action.payload.key]: {
service: action.payload.service,
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function findByIDRequest(state: DataState, action: DataFindByIDRequestAction): D
function success(state: DataState, action: DataSuccessAction): DataState {
function success(state: RequestCacheState, action: RequestCacheSuccessAction): RequestCacheState {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
[action.payload.key]: Object.assign({}, state[action.payload.key], {
isLoading: false,
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ function success(state: DataState, action: DataSuccessAction): DataState {
function error(state: DataState, action: DataErrorAction): DataState {
function error(state: RequestCacheState, action: RequestCacheErrorAction): RequestCacheState {
return Object.assign({}, state, {
[action.payload.key]: Object.assign({}, state[action.payload.key], {
isLoading: false,
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { SharedModule } from "../shared/shared.module";
import { isNotEmpty } from "../shared/empty.util";
import { FooterComponent } from "./footer/footer.component";
import { DSpaceRESTv2Service } from "./dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2.service";
import { CacheService } from "./data-services/cache/cache.service";
import { ObjectCacheService } from "./cache/object-cache.service";
import { CollectionDataService } from "./data-services/collection-data.service";
import { ItemDataService } from "./data-services/item-data.service";
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ const PROVIDERS = [
import { combineReducers } from "@ngrx/store";
import { CacheState, cacheReducer } from "./data-services/cache/cache.reducer";
import { dataReducer, DataState } from "./data-services/data.reducer";
import { CacheState, cacheReducer } from "./cache/cache.reducers";
export interface CoreState {
data: DataState,
cache: CacheState
export const reducers = {
data: dataReducer,
cache: cacheReducer
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ import { DataEffects } from "./data.effects";
import { Serializer } from "../serializer";
import { Collection } from "../shared/collection.model";
import { DSpaceRESTv2Serializer } from "../dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2.serializer";
import { CacheService } from "./cache/cache.service";
import { ObjectCacheService } from "../cache/object-cache.service";
import { DSpaceRESTv2Service } from "../dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2.service";
import { Actions, Effect } from "@ngrx/effects";
import { DataFindAllRequestAction, DataFindByIDRequestAction } from "./data.actions";
import { FindAllRequestCacheAction, FindByIDRequestCacheAction } from "../cache/request-cache.actions";
import { CollectionDataService } from "./collection-data.service";
......@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ export class CollectionDataEffects extends DataEffects<Collection> {
actions$: Actions,
restApi: DSpaceRESTv2Service,
cache: CacheService,
cache: ObjectCacheService,
dataService: CollectionDataService
) {
super(actions$, restApi, cache, dataService);
protected getFindAllEndpoint(action: DataFindAllRequestAction): string {
protected getFindAllEndpoint(action: FindAllRequestCacheAction): string {
return '/collections';
protected getFindByIdEndpoint(action: DataFindByIDRequestAction): string {
protected getFindByIdEndpoint(action: FindByIDRequestCacheAction): string {
return `/collections/${action.payload.resourceID}`;
......@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ import { Injectable, OpaqueToken } from "@angular/core";
import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
import { DataService } from "./data.service";
import { Collection } from "../shared/collection.model";
import { CacheService } from "./cache/cache.service";
import { DataState } from "./data.reducer";
import { ObjectCacheService } from "../cache/object-cache.service";
import { RequestCacheState } from "../cache/request-cache.reducer";
export class CollectionDataService extends DataService<Collection> {
name = new OpaqueToken('CollectionDataService');
store: Store<DataState>,
cache: CacheService
store: Store<RequestCacheState>,
cache: ObjectCacheService
) {
super(store, cache);
......@@ -2,25 +2,25 @@ import { Actions, Effect } from "@ngrx/effects";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { DSpaceRESTV2Response } from "../dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2-response.model";
import { DSpaceRESTv2Service } from "../dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2.service";
import { CacheService } from "./cache/cache.service";
import { ObjectCacheService } from "../cache/object-cache.service";
import { GlobalConfig } from "../../../config";
import { CacheableObject } from "./cache/cache.reducer";
import { CacheableObject } from "../cache/object-cache.reducer";
import { Serializer } from "../serializer";
import {
DataActionTypes, DataFindAllRequestAction, DataSuccessAction,
DataErrorAction, DataFindByIDRequestAction, DataAction
} from "./data.actions";
RequestCacheActionTypes, FindAllRequestCacheAction, RequestCacheSuccessAction,
RequestCacheErrorAction, FindByIDRequestCacheAction
} from "../cache/request-cache.actions";
import { DataService } from "./data.service";
export abstract class DataEffects<T extends CacheableObject> {
protected abstract getFindAllEndpoint(action: DataFindAllRequestAction): string;
protected abstract getFindByIdEndpoint(action: DataFindByIDRequestAction): string;
protected abstract getFindAllEndpoint(action: FindAllRequestCacheAction): string;
protected abstract getFindByIdEndpoint(action: FindByIDRequestCacheAction): string;
protected abstract getSerializer(): Serializer<T>;
private actions$: Actions,
private restApi: DSpaceRESTv2Service,
private cache: CacheService,
private objectCache: ObjectCacheService,
private dataService: DataService<T>
) {}
......@@ -28,33 +28,33 @@ export abstract class DataEffects<T extends CacheableObject> {
// because currently the cache is more of an object store. We need to move
// more towards memoization for things like this.
protected findAll = this.actions$
.filter((action: DataFindAllRequestAction) => action.payload.service ===
.switchMap((action: DataFindAllRequestAction) => {
.filter((action: FindAllRequestCacheAction) => action.payload.service ===
.switchMap((action: FindAllRequestCacheAction) => {
//TODO scope, pagination, sorting -> when we know how that works in rest
return this.restApi.get(this.getFindAllEndpoint(action))
.map((data: DSpaceRESTV2Response) => this.getSerializer().deserializeArray(data))
.do((ts: T[]) => {
ts.forEach((t) => {
this.cache.add(t, GlobalConfig.cache.msToLive);
this.objectCache.add(t, GlobalConfig.cache.msToLive);
.map((ts: Array<T>) => => t.uuid))
.map((ids: Array<string>) => new DataSuccessAction(action.payload.key, ids))
.catch((errorMsg: string) => Observable.of(new DataErrorAction(action.payload.key, errorMsg)));
.map((ids: Array<string>) => new RequestCacheSuccessAction(action.payload.key, ids))
.catch((errorMsg: string) => Observable.of(new RequestCacheErrorAction(action.payload.key, errorMsg)));
protected findById = this.actions$
.filter((action: DataFindAllRequestAction) => action.payload.service ===
.switchMap((action: DataFindByIDRequestAction) => {
.filter((action: FindAllRequestCacheAction) => action.payload.service ===
.switchMap((action: FindByIDRequestCacheAction) => {
return this.restApi.get(this.getFindByIdEndpoint(action))
.map((data: DSpaceRESTV2Response) => this.getSerializer().deserialize(data))
.do((t: T) => {
this.cache.add(t, GlobalConfig.cache.msToLive);
this.objectCache.add(t, GlobalConfig.cache.msToLive);
.map((t: T) => new DataSuccessAction(action.payload.key, [t.uuid]))
.catch((errorMsg: string) => Observable.of(new DataErrorAction(action.payload.key, errorMsg)));
.map((t: T) => new RequestCacheSuccessAction(action.payload.key, [t.uuid]))
.catch((errorMsg: string) => Observable.of(new RequestCacheErrorAction(action.payload.key, errorMsg)));
import { OpaqueToken } from "@angular/core";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
import { CacheService } from "./cache/cache.service";
import { CacheableObject } from "./cache/cache.reducer";
import { DataState } from "./data.reducer";
import { DataFindAllRequestAction, DataFindByIDRequestAction } from "./data.actions";
import { ObjectCacheService } from "../cache/object-cache.service";
import { CacheableObject } from "../cache/object-cache.reducer";
import { RequestCacheState } from "../cache/request-cache.reducer";
import { FindAllRequestCacheAction, FindByIDRequestCacheAction } from "../cache/request-cache.actions";
import { ParamHash } from "../shared/param-hash";
import { isNotEmpty } from "../../shared/empty.util";
......@@ -12,28 +12,28 @@ export abstract class DataService<T extends CacheableObject> {
abstract name: OpaqueToken;
private store: Store<DataState>,
private cache: CacheService
private store: Store<RequestCacheState>,
private objectCache: ObjectCacheService
) { }
findAll(scopeID?: string): Observable<Array<T>> {
const key = new ParamHash(, 'findAll', scopeID).toString(); DataFindAllRequestAction(key,, scopeID)); FindAllRequestCacheAction(key,, scopeID));
//get an observable of the IDs from the store
return<Array<string>>('core', 'data', key, 'resourceUUIDs')
return<Array<string>>('core', 'cache', 'request', key, 'resourceUUIDs')
.flatMap((resourceUUIDs: Array<string>) => {
// use those IDs to fetch the actual objects from the cache
return this.cache.getList<T>(resourceUUIDs);
return this.objectCache.getList<T>(resourceUUIDs);
findById(id: string): Observable<T> {
const key = new ParamHash(, 'findById', id).toString(); DataFindByIDRequestAction(key,, id));
return<Array<string>>('core', 'data', key, 'resourceUUIDs') FindByIDRequestCacheAction(key,, id));
return<Array<string>>('core', 'cache', 'request', key, 'resourceUUIDs')
.flatMap((resourceUUIDs: Array<string>) => {
if(isNotEmpty(resourceUUIDs)) {
return this.cache.get<T>(resourceUUIDs[0]);
return this.objectCache.get<T>(resourceUUIDs[0]);
else {
return Observable.of(undefined);
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ import { DataEffects } from "./data.effects";
import { Serializer } from "../serializer";
import { Item } from "../shared/item.model";
import { DSpaceRESTv2Serializer } from "../dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2.serializer";
import { CacheService } from "./cache/cache.service";
import { ObjectCacheService } from "../cache/object-cache.service";
import { DSpaceRESTv2Service } from "../dspace-rest-v2/dspace-rest-v2.service";
import { Actions, Effect } from "@ngrx/effects";
import { DataFindAllRequestAction, DataFindByIDRequestAction } from "./data.actions";
import { FindAllRequestCacheAction, FindByIDRequestCacheAction } from "../cache/request-cache.actions";
import { ItemDataService } from "./item-data.service";
......@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ export class ItemDataEffects extends DataEffects<Item> {
actions$: Actions,
restApi: DSpaceRESTv2Service,
cache: CacheService,
cache: ObjectCacheService,
dataService: ItemDataService
) {
super(actions$, restApi, cache, dataService);
protected getFindAllEndpoint(action: DataFindAllRequestAction): string {
protected getFindAllEndpoint(action: FindAllRequestCacheAction): string {
return '/items';
protected getFindByIdEndpoint(action: DataFindByIDRequestAction): string {
protected getFindByIdEndpoint(action: FindByIDRequestCacheAction): string {
return `/items/${action.payload.resourceID}`;
......@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ import { Injectable, OpaqueToken } from "@angular/core";
import { Store } from "@ngrx/store";
import { DataService } from "./data.service";
import { Item } from "../shared/item.model";
import { CacheService } from "./cache/cache.service";
import { DataState } from "./data.reducer";
import { ObjectCacheService } from "../cache/object-cache.service";
import { RequestCacheState } from "../cache/request-cache.reducer";
export class ItemDataService extends DataService<Item> {
name = new OpaqueToken('ItemDataService');
store: Store<DataState>,
cache: CacheService
store: Store<RequestCacheState>,
cache: ObjectCacheService
) {
super(store, cache);
import { autoserialize, autoserializeAs } from "cerialize";
import { Metadatum } from "./metadatum.model"
import { isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from "../../shared/empty.util";
import { CacheableObject } from "../data-services/cache/cache.reducer";
import { CacheableObject } from "../cache/object-cache.reducer";
* An abstract model class for a DSpaceObject.
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ export function createMockApi() {
.get(function(req, res) {
console.log('GET', util.inspect(, { colors: true }));
// console.log('GET', util.inspect(, { colors: true }));
res.json(toHALResponse(req, req.collection));
// })
// .put(function(req, res) {
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ export function createMockApi() {
.get(function(req, res) {
console.log('GET', util.inspect(req.item, { colors: true }));
// console.log('GET', util.inspect(req.item, { colors: true }));
res.json(toHALResponse(req, req.item));
// })
// .put(function(req, res) {
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ export function createMockApi() {
.get(function(req, res) {
console.log('GET', util.inspect(req.bundle, { colors: true }));
// console.log('GET', util.inspect(req.bundle, { colors: true }));
res.json(toHALResponse(req, req.bundle));
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ export function createMockApi() {
.get(function(req, res) {
console.log('GET', util.inspect(req.bitstream, { colors: true }));
// console.log('GET', util.inspect(req.bitstream, { colors: true }));
res.json(toHALResponse(req, req.bitstream));
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