- Starts DSpace Angular with Docker Compose from the current branch. This file assumes that a DSpace 7 REST instance will also be started in Docker.
## docker directory
- docker-compose-rest.yml
- Runs a published instance of the DSpace 7 REST API - persists data in Docker volumes
- docker-compose-travis.yml
- Runs a published instance of the DSpace 7 REST API for CI testing. The database is re-populated from a SQL dump on each startup.
- cli.yml
- Docker compose file that provides a DSpace CLI container to work with a running DSpace REST container.
- cli.assetstore.yml
- Docker compose file that will download and install data into a DSpace REST assetstore. This script points to a default dataset that will be utilized for CI testing.
- environment.dev.js
- Environment file for running DSpace Angular in Docker
- local.cfg
- Environment file for running the DSpace 7 REST API in Docker.
## To start DSpace from your branch using a published images for DSpace REST and DSpace Angular.
docker-compose -p d7 -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose-rest.yml up -d
## To build DSpace Angular from your branch using a published image for DSpace REST.
docker-compose -p d7 -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose-rest.yml up --build -d
## To build DSpace REST and DSpace Angular.
_The system will be started in 2 steps. Each step shares the same docker network._
From DSpace/DSpace
docker-compose -p d7 up --build -d
From DSpace/DSpace-angular
docker-compose -p d7 up --build -d
## End to end testing of the rest api (runs in travis).
_In this instance, only the REST api runs in Docker. Travis will perform CI testing of Angular using Node to drive the tests._
docker-compose -p d7ci -f docker/docker-compose-travis.yml up -d