Changes don't appear when importing metadata
As a test, I decided to change the item type for all items in the Center Publications, Center for Soft Matter and Biological Physics Collection from "report" to "annual report". I created a metadata spreadsheet (attached) and imported it. In the Processes menu, the process output showed that the item type had been changed. But when I view the full item record for any item in the collection, the item type still says "report". Screenshots are attached below.
Could there be a compatibility issue with the metadata fields in DSpace 6 vs. 7? Is there something else I'm missing?
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- Carrie Cross closed
- Carrie Cross reopened
- Owner
Thanks, Carrie. Is it this screen? I don't know how to use it, to be honest. Could I borrow your CSV? My first thought is maybe that "Validate Only" checkbox is broken and not taken into account. The second thought is maybe this is another problem of things being updated but now showing until later, similar to the item mapping and the export downloads.
- Owner
Ah, I see that you've already attached the CSV for me. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and detailed problem reports!
- Author Developer
- Owner
I tried it and got the same result as you; it didn't work. Then the server went down and I tried it again when the server was working again, and importing the metadata to update the items suddenly works. I'm not sure what was different.
The first time, though. "No changes detected" (or something similar) showed up in my output. The last time I ran it, those words didn't appear. I used your provided CSV both times.
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- Philip Young added Priority label
added Priority label
- Author Developer
@vtkeithg I repeated the test using a different collection: "No changes detected" showed up in my output again. I double-checked to make sure that the metadata fields matched in the spreadsheet and in DSpace 7. CSV attached below if you'd like to take a look.
- Developer
I tried uploading a 5-row spreadsheet of new items that I had just added on 6.3 successfully. I tried checking Validate Only first, but just got a red error message in the upper right. I think maybe this box is to check for errors before uploading, maybe. Then I unchecked and tried to import, and got the same error. Since they are new items maybe there's an error with the collection identifiers?
- Developer
I'm able to import a single new item (row) using the MyVTechWorks dropdown. When you drop or select a CSV in that bar, you're then prompted to select a collection. Then the metadata is presented, but the mappings are all wrong (authors in the title field, title in the authors field, abstract in the Type field, etc.). It seems not to be paying any attention to the header row. Granted this is a different problem than the one Carrie originally identified, but I wonder if mappings are part of the problem.
- Developer
Here's the documentation, CSV is a priority for the file types.
- Developer
Validate Only is just that, for checking only. You then have to process the file again with the box unchecked:
- Owner
Ah, I think I understand now.
- Owner
@pyoung1 and @cecross1, I can't reproduce the original problem anymore, although I was having the same issue at first.
When I uncheck the "validate only" box, as Philip instructed, the updates are made and I can see them immediately after the script finishes.
I just updated all of the items in Carrie's collection linked above to have a type of TPS report, and this shows up in the full item record.
If this works for you now, too, would it be all right if we closed this particular issue, and open new issues for any remaining problems with this page, for example the wrong mappings?
It seems like most of the issues with showing old data aren't happening now; I don't know what's changed.
- Author Developer
@vtkeithg I haven't tried it since my last comment. I'll test again and see what happens.
- Author Developer
I finally had the chance to test this, and the changes applied when I unchecked the Validate Only box like @pyoung1 suggested. I'm comfortable with closing this.
- Author Developer
@vtkeithg Actually, can we keep this one open? I tried importing a single item spreadsheet using the MyVTechWorks dropdown and the Import Metdata step, and neither of them worked. I got basically the same results @pyoung1 did above. When I imported the metadata, some metadata fields (like the title and CC license) were missing. It also said "no changes detected". See below screenshot.
When I used MyVTechWorks, the metadata fields didn't map correctly. For example, the collection ID would show up in the author field. Please see screenshot below.
P.S. Let me know if you want me to move this info elsewhere.
Edited by Carrie Cross - Keith Gilbertson assigned to @vtkeithg
assigned to @vtkeithg
- Owner
I'm going to close this issue because I think the original issue was resolved. The other issue reported here has been moved into issue #60 (closed) Import of CSV with metadata. If the original issue occurs again, we can reopen it.
- Keith Gilbertson closed