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#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#: lms/templates/ccx/coach_dashboard.html lms/templates/ccx/enrollment.html
#: lms/templates/support/enrollment.html
msgid "Enrollment"
msgstr "ჩარიცხვა"

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "View and update learner enrollments."
msgstr "მსმენელთა ჩარიცხვის დათვალიერება და განახლება."

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#: lms/templates/support/manage_user.html
msgid "Manage User"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "Disable User Account"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#: lms/templates/support/entitlement.html
msgid "Entitlements"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "View, create, and reissue learner entitlements"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Feature Based Enrollments"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "View feature based enrollment settings"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#: lms/templates/support/link_program_enrollments.html
msgid "Link Program Enrollments"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "Link LMS users to program enrollments"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "user_support_url"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "user_detail_url"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "Usable"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "Unusable"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "User Enabled Successfully"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "User Disabled Successfully"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#: lms/templates/shoppingcart/billing_details.html
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "ელფოსტის მისამართი"

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#: openedx/core/djangoapps/schedules/
#: cms/templates/maintenance/_force_publish_course.html
#: lms/templates/sysadmin_dashboard_gitlogs.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/instructor_dashboard_2/add_coupon_modal.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/instructor_dashboard_2/edit_coupon_modal.html
#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Course ID"
msgstr "კურსის ID"

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
msgid "User not found"
msgstr "მომხმარებელი ვერ მოიძებნა"

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Course {course_id} not past the refund window."
msgstr "კურსი {course_id}  არ არის ანაზღაურების ფანჯრის მიღმა."

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "No order found for {user} in course {course_id}"
msgstr "კურსზე {course_id} {user}-ის შეკვეთა ვერ მოიძებნა"

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Unenrolled {user} from {course_id}"
msgstr "მომხმარებელი {user} გარიცხულია კურსიდან {course_id}"

#: lms/djangoapps/support/views/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Refunded {cost} for order id {order_id}"
msgstr "დაბრუნებული თანხა {cost} შეკვეთისთვის {order_id}"

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "Optional language the team uses as ISO 639-1 code."
msgstr "გუნდის დამატებითი ენა ISO 639-1 კოდის სტანდარტში."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
#: lms/djangoapps/teams/templates/teams/teams.html
msgid "Teams"
msgstr "გუნდები"

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The supplied course id {course_id} is not valid."
msgstr "კურსის მითითებული იდენტიფიკატორი {course_id} არასწორია."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "course_id must be provided"
msgstr "უნდა მიუთითოთ course_id"

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "text_search and order_by cannot be provided together"
msgstr "text_search და order_by ერთდროული გამოყენება შეუძლებელია"

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The supplied topic id {topic_id} is not valid"
msgstr "თემის მითითებული იდენტიფიკატორი {topic_id} არასწორია"

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "Error connecting to elasticsearch"
msgstr "elasticsearch სერვისთან დაკავშირების შეცდომა"

#. Translators: 'ordering' is a string describing a way
#. of ordering a list. For example, {ordering} may be
#. 'name', indicating that the user wants to sort the
#. list by lower case name.
#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The ordering {ordering} is not supported"
msgstr "დალაგება {ordering}-ის მიხედვით მხარდაჭერილი არ არის"

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The supplied course_id {course_id} is not valid."
msgstr "მითითებული course_id {course_id} არასწორია."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "You are already in a team in this course."
msgstr "თქვენ უკვე ამ კურსის გუნდის წევრი ხართ."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "username or team_id must be specified."
msgstr "აუცილებელია მომხმარებლის სახელის ან team_id-ის მითითება."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "Username is required."
msgstr "მომხმარებლის სახელი სავალდებულოა."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "Team id is required."
msgstr "გუნდის იდენტიფიკატორი სავალდებულოა."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
msgid "This team is already full."
msgstr "გუნდი უკვე სავსეა."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "The user {username} is already a member of a team in this course."
msgstr "მომხმარებელი {username} უკვე ამ კურსის გუნდის წევრია."

#: lms/djangoapps/teams/
#, python-brace-format
msgid ""
"The user {username} is not enrolled in the course associated with this team."
msgstr "მომხმარებელი {username} ამ გუნდთან დაკავშირებულ კურსზე არ ჩარიცხულა."

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "The course for which this deadline applies"
msgstr "კურსი, რომლისთვისაც განსაზღვრულია ეს ვადები."

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid ""
"The datetime after which users are no longer allowed to submit photos for "
msgstr ""
"თარიღის შემდეგ მომხმარებლებს არ ექნებათ ფოტოების დასამოწმებლად გაგზავნის "

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Your {platform_name} verification has expired."
msgstr "თქვენს {platform_name}-ის დამოწმების ვადა გაუვიდა."

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Intro"
msgstr "შესავალი"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Make payment"
msgstr "გადაიხადეთ"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Payment confirmation"
msgstr "გადახდის დადასტურება"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Take photo"
msgstr "გადაიღეთ სურათი"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Take a photo of your ID"
msgstr "გადაიღეთ თქვენი ID ბარათის ფოტო"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Review your info"
msgstr "გადახედეთ თქვენს ინფორმაციას"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Enrollment confirmation"
msgstr "ჩარიცხვის დადასტურება"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Selected price is not valid number."
msgstr "არჩეული ფასი არ არის სწორი რიცხვია."

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "This course doesn't support paid certificates"
msgstr "კურსი არ გასცემს ფასიან სერტიფიკატებს"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "No selected price or selected price is below minimum."
msgstr "არჩეული თუ არარჩეული ფასი მინიმუმზე დაბალია."

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid ""
"Photo ID image is required if the user does not have an initial verification"
" attempt."
msgstr ""
"თუ მომხმარებელს არ გაუვლია პიროვნების დამოწმების პროცედურა, საჭიროა "
"პირადობის დამადასტურებელი საბუთების ფოტო გამოსახულებები."

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Missing required parameter face_image"
msgstr "გამოტოვებულია სავალდებულო პარამეტრი face_image"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Invalid course key"
msgstr "კურსის არასწორი გასაღები"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "No profile found for user"
msgstr "მომხმარებლის ანგარიში ვერ მოიძებნა"

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Name must be at least {min_length} character long."
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
msgid "Image data is not valid."
msgstr "გამოსახულების მონაცემები არასწორია."

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "{platform_name} ID Verification Photos Received"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Your {platform_name} ID Verification Approved"
msgstr ""

#: lms/djangoapps/verify_student/
#, python-brace-format
msgid "Your {platform_name} Verification Has Been Denied"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/admin/user_api/accounts/cancel_retirement_action.html
msgid "Please correct the errors below."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/admin/user_api/accounts/cancel_retirement_action.html
#, python-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel retirement for user \"%(username)s\"? "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Welcome to %(course_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid "To get started, please visit https://%(site_name)s."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.html
msgid "The login information for your account follows:"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "email: %(email_address)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "password: %(password)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.txt
msgid "It is recommended that you change your password."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Sincerely yours, The %(course_name)s Team"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"To get started, please visit https://%(site_name)s. The login information "
"for your account follows."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/subject.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/subject.txt
#, python-format
msgid "You have been enrolled in %(course_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"                    You have been invited to be a beta tester for %(course_name)s at %(site_name)s\n"
"                "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.html
msgid "The invitation has been sent by a member of the course staff."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.html
msgid "To start accessing course materials, please visit:"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.html
msgid "To enroll in this course and begin the beta test:"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid "Visit %(course_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Visit %(site_name)s\n"
"                "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedunenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedunenroll/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"This email was automatically sent from %(site_name)s to %(email_address)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Dear %(full_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have been invited to be a beta tester for %(course_name)s at "
"%(site_name)s by a member of the course staff."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "To start accessing course materials, please visit %(course_url)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Visit %(course_about_url)s to enroll in this course and begin the beta test."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Visit %(site_name)s to enroll in this course and begin the beta test."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/subject.txt
#, python-format
msgid "You have been invited to a beta test for %(course_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid "You have been invited to %(course_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have been invited to join %(course_name)s at %(site_name)s by a member "
"of the course staff."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
msgid "To access this course click on the button below and login:"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
msgid "To access this course visit it and register:"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please finish your registration and fill out the registration form making "
"sure to use %(email_address)s in the Email field:"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
msgid "Finish Your Registration"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Once you have registered and activated your account, you will see "
"%(course_name)s listed on your dashboard."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
msgid ""
"Once you have registered and activated your account, you will be able to "
"access this course:"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "You can then enroll in %(course_name)s."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
msgid "Dear student,"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "To access this course visit %(course_url)s and login."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"To access this course visit %(course_about_url)s and register for this "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"To finish your registration, please visit %(registration_url)s and fill out "
"the registration form making sure to use %(email_address)s in the Email "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Once you have registered and activated your account, visit "
"%(course_about_url)s to join this course."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/subject.txt
#, python-format
msgid "You have been invited to register for %(course_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedunenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedunenroll/email/subject.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/subject.txt
#, python-format
msgid "You have been unenrolled from %(course_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedunenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedunenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have been unenrolled from the course %(course_name)s by a member of the "
"course staff. Please disregard the invitation previously sent."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedunenroll/email/body.txt
msgid "Dear Student,"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"                    You have been unenrolled from %(course_name)s\n"
"                "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have been unenrolled from %(course_name)s at %(site_name)s by a member "
"of the course staff. This course will no longer appear on your %(site_name)s"
" dashboard."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.txt
msgid "Your other courses have not been affected."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrolledunenroll/email/body.txt
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "This email was automatically sent from %(site_name)s to %(full_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"                    You have been enrolled in %(course_name)s\n"
"                "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have been enrolled in %(course_name)s at %(site_name)s by a member of "
"the course staff. This course will now appear on your %(site_name)s "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/enrollenrolled/email/body.html
msgid "Access the Course Materials Now"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have been removed as a beta tester for %(course_name)s at %(site_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.html
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have been removed as a beta tester for %(course_name)s at %(site_name)s "
"by a member of the course staff."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.html
msgid ""
"This course will remain on your dashboard, but you will no longer be part of"
" the beta testing group."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have been removed as a beta tester for %(course_name)s at %(site_name)s "
"by a member of the course staff. This course will remain on your dashboard, "
"but you will no longer be part of the beta testing group."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/subject.txt
#, python-format
msgid "You have been removed from a beta test for %(course_name)s"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/logout.html
msgid "Signed Out"
msgstr "სისტემიდან გამოსული"

#: lms/templates/logout.html
msgid "We are signing you in."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/logout.html
msgid ""
"              This may take a minute. If you are not redirected, go to the home page.\n"
"            "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/logout.html
msgid "You have signed out."
msgstr "თქვენ გამოხვედით სისტემიდან."

#: lms/templates/logout.html
#, python-brace-format
"If you are not redirected within 5 seconds, {start_anchor}click here to go "
"to the home page{end_anchor}."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/main_django.html cms/templates/base.html
#: lms/templates/main.html
msgid "Skip to main content"
msgstr "მთავარ შინაარსზე გადასვლა"

#: lms/templates/oauth2_provider/authorize.html
msgid "Authorize"
msgstr "ავტორიზება"

#: lms/templates/oauth2_provider/authorize.html
msgid ""
"The above application requests the following permissions from your account:"
msgstr "მოცემული აპლიკაცია თქვენი ანგარიშიდან შემდეგ უფლებებს ითხოვს:"

#: lms/templates/oauth2_provider/authorize.html
msgid ""
"These permissions will be granted for data from your courses associated with"
" the following content providers:"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/oauth2_provider/authorize.html
msgid ""
"Please click the 'Allow' button to grant these permissions to the above "
"application. Otherwise, to withhold these permissions, please click the "
"'Cancel' button."
msgstr ""
"ზემოთ მოცემული აპლიკაციისთვის ამ უფლებების მისანიჭებლად დააწკაპუნეთ ღილაკზე "
"„დაშვება“. ამ უფლებების მინიჭებისგან თავის შეკავების შემთხვევაში, "
"დააწკაპუნეთ ღილაკზე „გაუქმება“."

#: lms/templates/oauth2_provider/authorize.html
#: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_api/
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "გაუქმება"

#: lms/templates/oauth2_provider/authorize.html
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "დაშვება"

#: lms/templates/oauth2_provider/authorize.html
#: lms/templates/sysadmin_dashboard_gitlogs.html
#: lms/templates/ccx/schedule.html
msgid "Error"
msgstr "შეცდომა"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
msgid "Expired ID Verification"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
#: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_api/templates/user_api/edx_ace/deletionnotificationmessage/email/body.html
#: openedx/core/djangoapps/user_api/templates/user_api/edx_ace/deletionnotificationmessage/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Hello %(full_name)s,"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Your %(platform_name)s ID verification has expired. "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.txt
msgid ""
"You must have a valid ID verification to take proctored exams and qualify "
"for certificates."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.txt
msgid ""
"Follow the link below to submit your photos and renew your ID verification."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.txt
msgid "You can also do this from your dashboard."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Resubmit Verification : %(lms_verification_link)s "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "ID verification FAQ : %(help_center_link)s "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/emails/failed_verification_email.txt
#: lms/templates/emails/order_confirmation_email.txt
#: lms/templates/emails/passed_verification_email.txt
#: lms/templates/emails/photo_submission_confirmation.txt
msgid "Thank you,"
msgstr "გმადლობთ,"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.html
#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "The %(platform_name)s Team "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/body.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Hello %(full_name)s, "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationexpiry/email/subject.txt
#, python-format
msgid "Your %(platform_name)s Verification has Expired"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/wiki/article.html
msgid "Last modified:"
msgstr "ბოლოს შეცვლილია:"

#: lms/templates/wiki/article.html
msgid "See all children"
msgstr "ნახეთ ყველა შვილობილი"

#: lms/templates/wiki/article.html
msgid "This article was last modified:"
msgstr "სტატია ბოლოს შესწორდა:"

#: lms/templates/wiki/create.html
msgid "Add new article"
msgstr "ახალი სტატიის დამატება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/create.html
msgid "Create article"
msgstr "სტატიის შექმნა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/create.html lms/templates/wiki/delete.html
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "უკან დაბრუნება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/delete.html lms/templates/wiki/edit.html
msgid "Delete article"
msgstr "სტატიის წაშლა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/delete.html
#: lms/templates/wiki/plugins/attachments/index.html
#: cms/templates/component.html cms/templates/studio_xblock_wrapper.html
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "წაშლა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/delete.html
msgid "You cannot delete a root article."
msgstr "თქვენ ვერ წაშლით ძირითად სტატიას."

#: lms/templates/wiki/delete.html
msgid ""
"You cannot delete this article because you do not have permission to delete "
"articles with children. Try to remove the children manually one-by-one."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ ვერ წაშლით ამ სტატიას, რადგანაც არ გაქვთ დაკავშირებული სტატიების მქონე"
" პუბლიკაციების წაშლის უფლება. სცადეთ დაკავშირებული სტატიების სათითაოდ, ხელით"
" მოშორება."

#: lms/templates/wiki/delete.html
msgid ""
"You are deleting an article. This means that its children will be deleted as"
" well. If you choose to purge, children will also be purged!"
msgstr ""
"თქვენ გსურთ წაშალოთ სტატია, რაც ნიშნავს, რომ წაიშლება მასთან დაკავშირებული "
"სტატიებიც. თუ აირჩევთ წმენდას, წმენდაში მოყვებიან დაკავშირებული სტატიებიც!"

#: lms/templates/wiki/delete.html
msgid "Articles that will be deleted"
msgstr "სტატიები, რომლებიც წაიშლება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/delete.html
msgid "...and more!"
msgstr "...და მეტი!"

#: lms/templates/wiki/delete.html
msgid "You are deleting an article. Please confirm."
msgstr "თქვენ შლით სტატიას. გთხოვთ დაადასტუროთ."

#: lms/templates/wiki/edit.html cms/templates/component.html
#: cms/templates/container.html cms/templates/studio_xblock_wrapper.html
#: lms/templates/instructor/instructor_dashboard_2/e-commerce.html
#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/article_menu.html
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "რედაქტირება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/edit.html lms/templates/ccx/schedule.html
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "ცვლილებების შენახვა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/edit.html cms/templates/container.html
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "გადახედვა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/edit.html
msgid "Wiki Preview"
msgstr "ვიკის გადახედვა"

#. #-#-#-#-#  mako.po (edx-platform)  #-#-#-#-#
#. Translators: this text gives status on if the modal interface (a menu or
#. piece of UI that takes the full focus of the screen) is open or not
#: lms/templates/wiki/edit.html lms/templates/wiki/history.html
#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html lms/templates/dashboard.html
#: lms/templates/dashboard/_dashboard_entitlement_unenrollment_modal.html
#: lms/templates/modal/_modal-settings-language.html
#: themes/
#: themes/
msgid "window open"
msgstr "ფანჯარა ღიაა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/edit.html
msgid "Back to editor"
msgstr "რედაქტორში დაბრუნება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "History"
msgstr "ისტორია"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid ""
"Click each revision to see a list of edited lines. Click the Preview button "
"to see how the article looked at this stage. At the bottom of this page, you"
" can change to a particular revision or merge an old revision with the "
"current one."
msgstr ""
"შეცვლილი სტრიქონების სიის სანახავად, სათითაოდ დააწკაპუნეთ შესწორებების "
"ისტორიას. დააწკაპუნეთ გადახედვის ღილაკზე, რომ ნახოთ როგორ გამოიყურებოდა "
"სტატია ამ ეტაპზე. გვერდის ქვედა ნაწილში, შეგიძლიათ გადახვიდეთ კონკრეტულ "
"ვერსიებზე ან გააერთიანოთ ძველი და მიმდინარე ვერსიები."

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "(no log message)"
msgstr "(ჟურნალის ჩანაწერები არ არის)"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Preview this revision"
msgstr "ამ ვერსიის დათვალიერება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Auto log:"
msgstr "ავტომატური ჟურნალი:"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Change"
msgstr "შეცვლა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Merge selected with current..."
msgstr "მონიშნულის არსებულთან გაერთიანება..."

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Switch to selected version"
msgstr "შერჩეულ ვერსიაზე გადასვლა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Wiki Revision Preview"
msgstr "ვიკის განახლების დათვალიერება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Back to history view"
msgstr "ისტორიის ხედზე დაბრუნება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Switch to this version"
msgstr "ამ ვერსიაზე გადასვლა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Merge Revision"
msgstr "შესწორებების გაერთიანება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Merge with current"
msgstr "არსებულთან გაერთიანება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid ""
"When you merge a revision with the current, all data will be retained from "
"both versions and merged at its approximate location from each revision."
msgstr ""
"განახლებული და მიმდინარე ვერსიების გაერთიანებისას, ორივე ვერსიის ყველა "
"მონაცემი შენარჩუნდება და თითოეულ ვერსიაში მისი დაახლოებითი მდებარეობის "
"მიხედვით გაერთიანდება."

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "After this, it's important to do a manual review."
msgstr "ამის შემდეგ, მნიშვნელოვანია ხელით გადამოწმება."

#: lms/templates/wiki/history.html
msgid "Create new merged version"
msgstr "ახალი, გაერთიანებული ვერსიის შექმნა"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/anonymous_blocked.html
#, python-brace-format
"You need to {anchor_start_login}log in{anchor_end} or "
"{anchor_start_signup}sign up{anchor_end} to use this function."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/anonymous_blocked.html
msgid "You need to log in or sign up to use this function."
msgstr ""
"ამ ფუნქციის გამოსაყენებლად თქვენ უნდა შეხვიდეთ ან დარეგისტრირდეთ სისტემაში."

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
msgid "Wiki Cheatsheet"
msgstr "ვიკის მინიშნებები"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
msgid "Wiki Syntax Help"
msgstr "ვიკის სინტაქსის დახმარება"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
#, python-brace-format
"This wiki uses {start_strong}Markdown{end_strong} for styling. There are "
"several useful guides online. See any of the links below for in-depth "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
msgid "Markdown: Basics"
msgstr "მონიშვნა: საბაზისო"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
msgid "Quick Markdown Syntax Guide"
msgstr "მონიშვნის სინტაქსის მოკლე ინსტრუქცია"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
msgid "Miniature Markdown Guide"
msgstr "მონიშვნის მცირე ინსტრუქცია"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
msgid ""
"To create a new wiki article, create a link to it. Clicking the link gives "
"you the creation page."
msgstr ""
"ახალი ვიკი-სტატიის შესაქმნელად, შექმენით მასზე ბმული. ბმულზე დაწკაპუნების "
"შემდეგ გადახვალთ გვერდის შექმნაზე."

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
msgid "[Article Name](wiki:ArticleName)"
msgstr "[სტატიის სათაური](ვიკი:სტატიისსათაური)"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
#, python-format
msgid "%(platform_name)s Additions:"
msgstr "%(platform_name)s დამატებები:"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/cheatsheet.html
msgid "Math Expression"