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Unverified Commit 96d0adf7 authored by Jeremy Bowman's avatar Jeremy Bowman Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #17993 from edx/jmbowman/TE-2547

TE-2547 Add dependency analysis scripts
parents 73f775f5 1f3f0e2f
No related merge requests found
......@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ filterwarnings =
norecursedirs = envs
python_classes =
python_files = test_*.py *
python_files = test_*.py *
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
# pip install -r requirements/edx/development.txt
# When adding a new dependency which is imported from edx-platform code as a library,
# update scripts/dependencies/development.txt accordingly.
-r pip-tools.txt # pip-tools and its dependencies, for managing requirements files
-r testing.txt # Dependencies for running the various test suites
......@@ -13,6 +15,7 @@ click # Used for perf_tests utilities in modulesto
django-debug-toolbar==1.8 # A set of panels that display debug information about the current request/response
edx-sphinx-theme # Documentation theme
pyinotify # More efficient checking for runserver reload trigger events
snakefood # Lists dependencies between Python modules, used in scripts/dependencies/*
sphinx # Developer documentation builder
# Performance timer used in modulestore/perf_tests/
......@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ simplejson==3.13.2
snowballstemmer==1.2.1 # via sphinx
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
# * verify that the dependency has a license compatible with AGPLv3
# * confirm that it has no system requirements beyond what we already install
# * run "make upgrade" to update the detailed requirements files
# * add an appropriate pattern to scripts/dependencies/
-r base.txt # Core edx-platform production dependencies
-r coverage.txt # Utilities for calculating test coverage
#!/usr/bin/env python
List any dependencies on development utilities in edx-platform from
non-development modules. Generally, there shouldn't be any; such a dependency
could result in ImportErrors in production or tests where development packages
aren't installed.
This script counts on scripts/dependencies/ having already
been run in order to generate a dependency data file to work from.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import re
import sys
# Enumerate all the Python modules that should only be imported from development utilities
pattern_fragments = [
# Development utility modules within edx-platform
r'^xmodule/modulestore/perf_tests' # modulestore performance tests
# Development-only package dependencies
r'^code_block_timer', # code_block_timer
r'^debug_toolbar', # django-debug-toolbar
dev_pattern = re.compile('|'.join(pattern_fragments))
data_path = 'reports/dependencies/dependencies.txt'
if not os.path.exists(data_path):
print('The dependencies data file is unavailable; run scripts/dependencies/ first.')
exit_status = 0
with open(data_path, 'r') as f:
for dep in map(eval, f):
(from_root, from_name), (to_root, to_name) = dep
if to_name is None:
if and not
# We usually don't care about dependencies between modules in site-packages
if from_root.endswith(u'site-packages') and to_root.endswith(u'site-packages'):
# The django-debug-toolbar URL imports are safely behind conditions on INSTALLED_APPS
if from_name in {u'cms/', u'lms/'} and to_name == u'debug_toolbar':
exit_status = 1
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Enumerates all dependencies (imports) from Python modules in
# edx-platform. The resulting data file generated at
# reports/dependencies/dependencies.txt can then be used by other scripts
# to detect inappropriate imports, such as:
# * Imports of test modules or testing packages from core application code
# * Imports of development-only packages from core or test code
# * Imports from a package we want to stop using as a dependency
# * Imports of other edx-platform modules from a module we want to move to
# a separate package in its own repository
# This script can take a while to run (a few minutes), so it should be run
# independently of the other scripts which use this data.
# While running, a number of warnings such as "Could not import module
# 'assert_equal'" may be generated. This is normal; the snakefood utility
# can't really distinguish between the import of a module and the import of
# an object within a module, so it prints a warning on all instances of the
# latter just in case it actually was an attempt to import a module which
# it couldn't find in the current PYTHONPATH. If you do see some modules
# listed which you think should be findable, you may need to run
# "make requirements" or update the ROOTS variable in this script.
mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}
PYTHONPATH=${ROOTS} sfood cms common lms openedx pavelib scripts > ${DEPENDENCIES}
#!/usr/bin/env python
List any modules that are imported from the given package. This can be used
to determine what needs to be refactored to allow a package to be broken out
into a separately installed package. The package argument to the script
should be formatted as shown in these examples:
* scripts/dependencies/ xmodule
* scripts/dependencies/ openedx/features/course_experience
* scripts/dependencies/ cms/djangoapps/verify_student
This script counts on scripts/dependencies/ having already
been run in order to generate a dependency data file to work from.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import re
import sys
pattern = re.compile(u'^{}'.format(sys.argv[1]))
data_path = 'reports/dependencies/dependencies.txt'
if not os.path.exists(data_path):
print('The dependencies data file is unavailable; run scripts/dependencies/ first.')
with open(data_path, 'r') as f:
for dep in map(eval, f):
(from_root, from_name), (to_root, to_name) = dep
if to_name is None:
if and not
# We usually don't care about dependencies between modules in site-packages
if from_root.endswith(u'site-packages') and to_root.endswith(u'site-packages'):
# We don't really care about dependencies on the standard library
if to_root.startswith('/usr/lib/python') or to_root.endswith('lib/python2.7'):
#!/usr/bin/env python
List any modules that import code from the given package. This can be used
to determine if the package can be safely removed, or just to understand
what context it's used in. The package argument to the script should be
formatted as shown in these examples:
* scripts/dependencies/ nose
* scripts/dependencies/ third_parth_auth
* scripts/dependencies/ cms/djangoapps/verify_student
This script counts on scripts/dependencies/ having already
been run in order to generate a dependency data file to work from.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import re
import sys
pattern = re.compile(u'^{}'.format(sys.argv[1]))
data_path = 'reports/dependencies/dependencies.txt'
if not os.path.exists(data_path):
print('The dependencies data file is unavailable; run scripts/dependencies/ first.')
with open(data_path, 'r') as f:
for dep in map(eval, f):
(from_root, from_name), (to_root, to_name) = dep
if to_name is None:
if and not
# We usually don't care about dependencies between modules in site-packages
if from_root.endswith(u'site-packages') and to_root.endswith(u'site-packages'):
#!/usr/bin/env python
List any dependencies on test modules in edx-platform from non-test modules.
Generally, there shouldn't be any; such a dependency could result in
ImportErrors in production where testing packages aren't installed.
This script counts on scripts/dependencies/ having already
been run in order to generate a dependency data file to work from.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import re
import sys
# Enumerate all the Python modules that should only be imported during test runs
pattern_fragments = [
# Test modules within edx-platform
r'/tests?\.py', #,
r'/tests?_[^/]*\.py', # test_*.py, tests_*.py
r'/[^/]*_tests\.py', # *
r'/tests?/', # */test/*, */tests/*
r'[cl]ms/.*/features/', # cms/*/features/*, lms/*/features/*
r'/testing\.py', #
r'/testutils\.py', #
r'/tests$', # tests/
r'conftest\.py', #
r'/envs/acceptance\.py', # cms/envs/, lms/envs/
r'/envs/acceptance_docker\.py', # cms/envs/, lms/envs/
r'/factories\.py', #
r'^terrain', # terrain/*
r'/setup_models_to_send_test_emails\.py', # setup_models_to_send_test_emails management command
# Testing-only package dependencies
r'^bs4', # beautifulsoup4
r'^before_after$', # before_after
r'^bok_choy', # bok-choy
r'^cssselect', # cssselect
r'^factory', # factory_boy
r'^freezegun', # freezegun
r'^httpretty', # httpretty
r'^moto', # moto
r'^nose', # nose
r'^pyquery', # pyquery
r'^$', # pytest
r'^selenium', # selenium
r'^singledispatch', # singledispatch
r'^testfixtures', # testfixtures
test_pattern = re.compile('|'.join(pattern_fragments))
data_path = 'reports/dependencies/dependencies.txt'
if not os.path.exists(data_path):
print('The dependencies data file is unavailable; run scripts/dependencies/ first.')
exit_status = 0
with open(data_path, 'r') as f:
for dep in map(eval, f):
(from_root, from_name), (to_root, to_name) = dep
if to_name is None:
if and not
# snakefood sometimes picks a weird place to split the root path and filename
if from_root.endswith('/tests'):
# We usually don't care about dependencies between modules in site-packages
if from_root.endswith(u'site-packages') and to_root.endswith(u'site-packages'):
# Dependencies on django.test and waffle.testutils are ok
if to_name.startswith(u'django/test') or to_name == u'waffle/':
# Dependencies within pavelib are ok
if from_name.startswith(u'pavelib') and to_name.startswith(u'pavelib'):
exit_status = 1
0% or .
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