- Jul 11, 2018
Marco Morales authored
updated vertical alignment for learner profile menu
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Authn: remove unneeded oauth_dispatch views
Awais Jibran authored
Video player seek issue
Attiya Ishaque authored
Fix display of all words in word clouds.
Uzair Rasheed authored
Update sailthru audit purchase calls
- Jul 10, 2018
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Awais Jibran authored
The embedded video player does not allow the screen reader user to seek forwards / backwards within the time with the keyboard as you could in the past. If you tab to play a video and press spacebar or enter, you formerly would be able to press left / right arrow to move slightly forward or backward in time, but this no longer works correctly; it will move 1 second back / forward, then you need to press tab again to refocus and move another 1 second. Other keyboard access seems to be equivalent and we suspect a slight error in the Javascript is causing this and needs to be fixed. EDUCATOR-3034
Kevin Falcone authored
Update token expiration for DOT tokens
Michael Terry authored
When notifying credentials of cert/grade changes using notify_credentials, don't worry about signaling for program cert awards. (A) We don't need that functionality right now when backpopulating credentials records, and (B) we have other management commands for that anyway.
Kevin Falcone authored
This will retire a refresh token and access token pair in the DOT tables if the access token is 6 months expired (prior to that, the refresh token still works).
marcotuts authored
Rabia Iftikhar authored
EDUCATOR-3030 upgrade edx-completion version from 0.1.7 to 0.1.8.
Qubad786 authored
rabiaiftikhar authored
Ayub-khan authored
attiyaishaque authored
ayub-khan authored
hamzamunir7300 authored
Learner 5502
Ayub-khan authored
ayub-khan authored
Ayub-khan authored
Updated django-wiki version
- Jul 09, 2018
Braden MacDonald authored
Kshitij Sobti authored
Jeremy Bowman authored
TE-2632 Fix site fixture domains for devstack bok-choy tests
Michael Terry authored
Avoid blowing up on the giant queries that notify_credentials does by paginating the queries before we resolve them.
Kshitij Sobti authored
Kshitij Sobti authored
Include report data generated by blocks as columns instead of a json dict
Awais Jibran authored
Display check-marks inline.
ayub-khan authored
Hamza Munir authored
adding "credit mode" in change_enrollment management command to move the user to credit mode by running this command. LEARNER-5502
- Jul 08, 2018
uzairr authored
Currently, there are two purchase calls are occurring for each audit purchase on sail-thru.To avoid it,code is updated so that a single call will occur for each purchase. LEARNER-5257
- Jul 06, 2018
Brittney Exline authored
ENT-1074 Upgrade edx-enterprise version to 0.70.5
Nimisha Asthagiri authored
Remove course_structures app (part 3)
Brittney Exline authored
Jeremy Bowman authored
Jeremy Bowman authored
TE-2631 Fix notes bok-choy tests in devstack
Uman Shahzad authored
Fix course export issues
Marco Morales authored
updated header active tab border color
marcotuts authored