- Dec 14, 2020
Bianca Severino authored
Michael Terry authored
TNL-7185: Send data, not rendered HTML to the learning MFE
Michael Terry authored
Specifically, send data versions of course_expired_message and offer_html. The rendered HTML is still being sent for now, until the learning MFE is updated to consume the data objects.
alangsto authored
included newest commit in release
Jeff LaJoie authored
Bumps edx-enterprise to 3.14.1
Carla Duarte authored
AA-509: Dates widget link styling
Jeff LaJoie authored
Usama Sadiq authored
Revert celery fork from requirements
arbi-bom authored
usamasadiq authored
- Dec 13, 2020
Usama Sadiq authored
Merge pull request #25846 from edx/testeng/bokchoy_auto_cache_update_73d9efbe5f5ade6e54aaf067b2e88e65bd55755b Bokchoy Testing DB Cache update
- Dec 11, 2020
Carla Duarte authored
Awais Jibran authored
Serve assets using static storage
Bianca Severino authored
Update edx-proctoring to 2.5.1
Bianca Severino authored
Bianca Severino authored
[MST-567] Encode course_id passed into IDV flow
Robert Raposa authored
update FEATURES toggle annotation names
Awais Jibran authored
Update brand-edx.org to v1.3.3
Robert Raposa authored
Update toggle_name annotations from "XXX" to "FEATURES['XXX']" to match the name used by the toggle state endpoint so they don't seem like two different toggles.
Kyle McCormick authored
Also, add test to confirm fix of typo. TNL-7774
Lael Birch authored
Update edx-enterprise
Awais Jibran authored
Awais Jibran authored
Awais Qureshi authored
Usamasadiq/pin cryptography version
Bianca Severino authored
Jillian Vogel authored
Pooja Kulkarni authored
Replaces the deprecated CachedFilesMixin with ManifestFilesMixin. Also sorts xmodules and xblocks js bundles to make theme assets compilation hashes consistent across different machines.
Raul Gallegos authored
Kyle McCormick authored
Although application code is on Python 3.8, we are still using Python 3.5 to execute jailed code for now. Run make upgrade.
arbi-bom authored
arbi-bom authored
Tim McCormack authored
This will simplify updating of the linter thresholds file after XSS linter violations are addressed.
Usama Sadiq authored
Python Requirements Update
Ali Akbar authored
Match the defined thresholds with the current violations on master
edX requirements bot authored
- Dec 10, 2020
Adeel Ehsan authored
applied rebranding to saml page
Lael Birch authored
Rebrand of edx-enterprise pages
Ali-D-Akbar authored
adeelehsan authored
edX cache uploader bot authored