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"The page that you were looking for was not found. Go back to the "
"{link_start}homepage{link_end} ."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/static_templates/about.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/blog.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/contact.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/donate.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/faq.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/help.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/honor.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/jobs.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/media-kit.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/news.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/press.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/privacy.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/tos.html
msgid "This page left intentionally blank. Feel free to add your own content."
msgstr ""
"ეს გვერდი შეგნებულად არის დატოვებული ცარიელი. თავისუფლად შეგიძლიათ საკუთარი "
"შინაარსი დაამატოთ."

#: lms/templates/static_templates/embargo.html
msgid ""
"Our system indicates that you are trying to access this {platform_name} "
"course from a country or region currently subject to U.S. economic and trade"
" sanctions. Unfortunately, because {platform_name} is required to comply "
"with export controls, we cannot allow you to access this course at this "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/static_templates/faq.html
#: themes/red-theme/lms/templates/footer.html
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "ხშირად დასმული კითხვები"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/jobs.html
#: themes/red-theme/lms/templates/footer.html
msgid "Jobs"
msgstr "სამუშაოები"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/news.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/press.html
msgid "In the Press"
msgstr "პრესაში"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-down.html
msgid "Currently the {platform_name} servers are down"
msgstr "ამჟამად {platform_name}-ის სერვერები არ მუშაობს"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-down.html
#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-overloaded.html
msgid ""
"Our staff is currently working to get the site back up as soon as possible. "
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-error.html
msgid "There has been a 500 error on the {platform_name} servers"
msgstr " 500 შეცდომა დაფიქსირდა {platform_name}-ის სერვერებზე"

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-error.html
msgid "Please wait a few seconds and then reload the page."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/static_templates/server-overloaded.html
msgid "Currently the {platform_name} servers are overloaded"
msgstr "ამჟამად {platform_name}-ის სერვერები გადატვირთულია"

#: lms/templates/student_account/account_settings.html
msgid "Account Settings"
msgstr "ანგარიშის პარამეტრები"

#: lms/templates/student_account/account_settings.html
msgid ""
" and access to private sites offered by MIT Open Learning, Wharton Executive"
" Education, and Harvard Medical School"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/student_account/finish_auth.html
msgid "Please Wait"
msgstr "გთხოვთ დაიცადოთ"

#: lms/templates/student_account/login_and_register.html
msgid "Sign in or Register"
msgstr "შედით ან დარეგისტრირდით"

#: lms/templates/support/certificates.html lms/templates/support/index.html
msgid "Student Support"
msgstr "სტუდენტური მხარდაჭერა"

#: lms/templates/support/certificates.html
msgid "Student Support: Certificates"
msgstr "სტუდენტური მხარდაჭერა: სერტიფიკატები"

#: lms/templates/support/contact_us.html
msgid "Contact {platform_name} Support"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/enrollment.html
msgid "Student Support: Enrollment"
msgstr "სტუდენტური მხარდაჭერა: ჩარიცხვა"

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Student Support: Feature Based Enrollments"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Content Type Gating"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Course Duration Limits"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "Is Enabled"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/feature_based_enrollments.html
msgid "No results found"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/manage_user.html
msgid "Student Support: Manage User"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/support/program_enrollments_inspector.html
msgid "Program Enrollments Inspector"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "User Survey"
msgstr "მომხმარებლის კვლევა "

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "Pre-Course Survey"
msgstr "კურსის წინასწარი მიმოხილვა"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid ""
"You can begin your course as soon as you complete the following form. "
"Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). This information is for the"
" use of {platform_name} only. It will not be linked to your public profile "
"in any way."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ შეძლებთ დაიწყოთ კურსი როგორც კი შეავსებთ შემდეგ ფორმას. სავალდებულო "
"ველები მონიშნულია ვარსკვლავით (*). ეს ინფორმაცია მხოლოდ {platform_name}-ის "
"გამოყენებისთვისაა. ის ვერანაირად მიებმება თქვენს საჯარო პროფილს."

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "You are missing the following required fields:"
msgstr "თქვენ გამოტოვეთ შემდეგი სავალდებულო ველები:"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "Cancel and Return to Dashboard"
msgstr "გააუქმება და მართვის დაფასთან დაბრუნება"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "Why do I need to complete this information?"
msgstr "რატომ მჭირდება ამ ინფორმაციის შევსება?"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid ""
"We use the information you provide to improve our course for both current "
"and future students. The more we know about your specific needs, the better "
"we can make your course experience."
msgstr ""
"თქვენგან მოწოდებულ ინფორმაციას ჩვენი კურსის გასაუმჯობესებლად ვიყენებთ, "
"როგორც ახლანდელი ასევე მომავალი სტუდენტებისთვის. რაც მეტი ვიცით თქვენს "
"კონკრეტულ საჭიროებებზე, მით უფრო უკეთესს გავხდით თქვენი კურსის გავლას."

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid "Who can I contact if I have questions?"
msgstr "ვის უნდა მივმართო კითხვებთან დაკავშირებით?"

#: lms/templates/survey/survey.html
msgid ""
"If you have any questions about this course or this form, you can contact "
msgstr ""
"მოცემულ კურსთან და ფორმასთან დაკავშირებით ნებისმიერი კითხვის შემთხვევაში, "
"შეგიძლიათ დაუკავშირდეთ {link_start}{mail_to_link}{link_end}-ს."

#: lms/templates/ux/reference/bootstrap/course-skeleton.html
msgid "Skeleton Page"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/ux/reference/bootstrap/course-skeleton.html
#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
#: openedx/features/course_search/templates/course_search/course-search-fragment.html
msgid "Search the course"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/ux/reference/bootstrap/course-skeleton.html
#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Start Course"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/_verification_help.html
msgid "Have questions?"
msgstr "გაქვთ კითხვები?"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/_verification_help.html
msgid ""
"Please read {a_start}our FAQs to view common questions about our "
msgstr ""
"გთხოვთ წაიკითხეთ {a_start}ჩვენი ხშირად დასმული შეკითხვები რათა ნახოთ სზოგადი"
" კითხვები ჩვენი სერტიფიკატების შესახებ{a_end}."

#: lms/templates/verify_student/incourse_reverify.html
msgid "Re-Verify for {course_name}"
msgstr "ხელახლა დამოწმება {course_name}-ისთვის"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/missed_deadline.html
msgid "Verification Deadline Has Passed"
msgstr "დადასტურების ვადა ამოიწურა"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/missed_deadline.html
msgid "Upgrade Deadline Has Passed"
msgstr "განახლების ვადა ამოიწურა"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/missed_deadline.html
msgid ""
"The verification deadline for {course_name} was {{date}}. Verification is no"
" longer available."
msgstr ""
"დადასტურების ვადა ამ {course_name}-თვის იყო {{date}}. დადასტურება აღარ არის "

#: lms/templates/verify_student/missed_deadline.html
msgid ""
"The deadline to upgrade to a verified certificate for this course has "
msgstr ""
"მოცემული კურსისთვის შემოწმებული სერტიფიკატის განახლების ვადა ამოიწურა."

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Upgrade Your Enrollment For {course_name}."
msgstr "განაახლეთ თქვენი რეგისტრაცია {course_name}-სთვის."

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Receipt For {course_name}"
msgstr "ქვითარი {course_name}-სთვის"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Verify For {course_name}"
msgstr " {course_name}-ის დამოწმება"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Enroll In {course_name}"
msgstr "{course_name}-ზე ჩარიცხვა"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid "Technical Requirements"
msgstr "ტექნიკური მოთხოვნები"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/pay_and_verify.html
msgid ""
"Please make sure your browser is updated to the {strong_start}{a_start}most "
"recent version possible{a_end}{strong_end}. Also, please make sure your "
"{strong_start}webcam is plugged in, turned on, and allowed to function in "
"your web browser (commonly adjustable in your browser settings).{strong_end}"
msgstr ""
"გთხოვთ, დარწმუნდით, რომ თქვენი ბრაუზერი განახლებულია "
"{strong_start}{a_start}ყველაზე უახლესი ვერსიით{a_end}{strong_end}. ასევე, "
"გთხოვთ, დარწმუნდეთ, რომ თქვენი {strong_start}ვებკამერა მიერთებულია, ჩართულია"
" და თქვენს ვებ ბრაუზერში ფუნქციონირების შესაძლებლობა აქვს (ჩვეულებრივ "
"რეგულირდება თქვენი ბრაუზერის პარამეტრებში).{strong_end}"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify.html
msgid "Re-Verification"
msgstr "ხელახალი დადასტურება"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify_not_allowed.html
msgid "Identity Verification"
msgstr "ვინაობის დადასტურება"

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify_not_allowed.html
msgid ""
"You have already submitted your verification information. You will see a "
"message on your dashboard when the verification process is complete (usually"
" within 5-7 days)."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify_not_allowed.html
msgid "You cannot verify your identity at this time."
msgstr "ამ დროისთვის თქვენი ვიანობის დამოწმებას ვერ შეძლებთ."

#: lms/templates/verify_student/reverify_not_allowed.html
msgid "Return to Your Dashboard"
msgstr "დაუბრუნდით თქვენს მართვის დაფას"

#: lms/templates/widgets/cookie-consent.html
msgid ""
"This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our "
"website. If you continue browsing this site, we understand that you accept "
"the use of cookies."
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/widgets/cookie-consent.html
msgid "Got it!"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/widgets/cookie-consent.html
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/article_menu.html
msgid "{span_start}(active){span_end}"
msgstr "{span_start}(მოქმედი){span_end}"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/article_menu.html
msgid "Changes"
msgstr "ცვლილებები"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/article_menu.html
msgid "{span_start}active{span_end}"
msgstr "{span_start}მოქმედი{span_end}"

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/breadcrumbs.html
msgid "Course Wiki"
msgstr ""

#: lms/templates/wiki/includes/breadcrumbs.html
msgid "Add article"
msgstr "სტატიის დამატება"

#: openedx/core/djangoapps/dark_lang/templates/dark_lang/preview-language-fragment.html
msgid "Preview Language Setting"
msgstr "ენის პარამეტრების გადათვალიერება"

#: openedx/core/djangoapps/dark_lang/templates/dark_lang/preview-language-fragment.html
msgid "Language Code"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/djangoapps/dark_lang/templates/dark_lang/preview-language-fragment.html
msgid "e.g. en for English"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/djangoapps/theming/templates/theming/theming-admin-fragment.html
msgid "Preview Theme"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "All Rights Reserved"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Attribution"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Noncommercial"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "No Derivatives"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Share Alike"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Creative Commons licensed content, with terms as follow:"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/core/lib/license/templates/license.html
msgid "Some Rights Reserved"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-dates-fragment.html
msgid "Upcoming Dates"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Goal: "
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Edit your course goal:"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Pursue a verified certificate"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-home-fragment.html
msgid "Upgrade ({price})"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-outline-fragment.html
msgid "Expand All"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-outline-fragment.html
msgid "({number} Question)"
msgid_plural "({number} Questions)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-outline-fragment.html
msgid "Prerequisite: "
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Learn About Verified Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "{platform_name} Verified Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Why upgrade?"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Official proof of completion"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Easily shareable certificate"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Proven motivator to complete the course"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid ""
"Certificate purchases help {platform_name} continue to offer free courses"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "How it works"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Pay the Verified Certificate upgrade fee"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Verify your identity with a webcam and government-issued ID"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Study hard and pass the course"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Share your certificate with friends, employers, and others"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "edX Learner Stories"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid ""
"My certificate has helped me showcase my knowledge on my"
"                             resume - I feel like this certificate could "
"really help me land                             my dream job!"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "{learner_name}, edX Learner"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid ""
"I wanted to include a verified certificate on my resume and my profile to"
"                             illustrate that I am working towards this goal "
"I have and that I have                             achieved something while "
"I was unemployed."
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-sock-fragment.html
msgid "Upgrade ({course_price})"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/course-updates-fragment.html
msgid "This course does not have any updates."
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/latest-update-fragment.html
msgid "Latest Update"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/next-up-banner-fragment.html
msgid "Get started on what's next: "
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_experience/templates/course_experience/welcome-message-fragment.html
msgid "Show More"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/course_search/templates/course_search/course-search-fragment.html
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: this section lists all the third-party authentication
#. providers
#. (for example, Google and LinkedIn) the user can link with or unlink from
#. their edX account.
#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Connected Accounts"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Linked"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Not Linked"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: clicking on this removes the link between a user's edX account
#. and their account with an external authentication provider (like Google or
#. LinkedIn).
#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Unlink"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: clicking on this creates a link between a user's edX account
#. and their account with an external authentication provider (like Google or
#. LinkedIn).
#: openedx/features/learner_profile/static/learner_profile/templates/third_party_auth.html
msgid "Link"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner-achievements-fragment.html
msgid "Completed {completion_date_html}"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner-achievements-fragment.html
msgid "{course_mode} certificate"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner-achievements-fragment.html
msgid "You haven't earned any certificates yet."
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner-achievements-fragment.html
#: themes/
msgid "Explore New Courses"
msgstr "ახალი კურსების გადათვალიერება"

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner_profile.html
msgid "View My Records"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner_profile.html
msgid "My Profile"
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner_profile.html
msgid ""
"Build out your profile to personalize your identity on {platform_name}."
msgstr ""

#: openedx/features/learner_profile/templates/learner_profile/learner_profile.html
msgid "An error occurred. Try loading the page again."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"Access Course Staff Support on the Partner Portal to submit or review "
"support tickets"
msgstr ""
"მხარდასაჭერი ბილეთების გასაგზავნად ან განსახილველად შედით კურსის პერსონალის "
"მხარდაჭერაზე პარტნიორ პორტალზე."

#: themes/
msgid "edX Partner Portal"
msgstr "edX პარტნიორი პორტალი"

#: themes/
msgid "Want to make edX better for everyone?"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Get started"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"Browse recently launched courses and see what's new in your favorite "
msgstr ""
"დაათვალიერეთ ახლახანს დაწყებული კურსები და ნახეთ სიახლეები თქვენს რჩეულ "

#: themes/
msgid "Take advantage of free coaching!"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Get Started"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Page Footer"
msgstr "გვერდის ქვედა კოლონტიტული"

#: themes/
msgid "edX Home Page"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "© {year} edX Inc. All rights reserved."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "About edX Verified Certificates"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"An edX Verified Certificate signifies that the learner has agreed to abide "
"by the edX honor code and completed all of the required tasks of this course"
" under its guidelines, as well as having their photo ID checked to verify "
"their identity."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "About edX"
msgstr "edX-ის შესახებ"

#: themes/
msgid ""
"{link_start}edX{link_end} offers interactive online classes and MOOCs from "
"the world's best universities, including MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, University "
"of Texas, and many others. edX is a non-profit online initiative created by "
"founding partners Harvard and MIT."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Congratulations, {user_name}!"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"You worked hard to earn your certificate from "
"{accomplishment_copy_course_org} {dash} share it with colleagues, friends, "
"and family to get the word out about what you mastered in "
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Share this certificate on Facebook (opens a new tab/window)"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Tweet this certificate (opens a new tab/window)"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Add this certificate to your LinkedIn profile (opens a new tab/window)"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Print"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "Print this certificate"
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid "edX Inc."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"All rights reserved except where noted. edX, Open edX and the edX and Open "
"edX logos are registered trademarks of edX Inc."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"{b_start}Support our Mission: {b_end}EdX, a non-profit, relies on verified "
"certificates to help fund affordable education to everyone globally."
msgstr ""

#: themes/
msgid ""
"{b_start}Support our Mission: {b_end} EdX, a non-profit, relies on verified "
"certificates to help fund free education for everyone globally"
msgstr ""
"{b_start}მხარი დაუჭირეთ ჩვენს მისიას: {b_end} EdX, არაკომერციული "
"ორგანიზაციაა, ეფუძნება დამოწმებულ სერტიფიკატებს, რათა დაეხმაროს უფასო "
"განათლების დაფინანსებას ყველასთვის მთელს მსოფლიოში. "

#: themes/
msgid "Find Courses"
msgstr "კურსების ძებნა"

#: themes/
msgid "Schools & Partners"
msgstr "უნივერსიტეტები და პატრნიორები"

#: themes/red-theme/lms/templates/footer.html
msgid ""
"{tos_link_start}Terms of Service{tos_link_end} and {honor_link_start}Honor "
msgstr ""
"{tos_link_start}მომსახურების პირობები{tos_link_end} და "
"{honor_link_start}ღირსების კოდექსი{honor_link_end}"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/footer.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/static_templates/tos.html
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "საავტორო უფლება"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/footer.html
msgid "Copyright {year}. All rights reserved."
msgstr "საავტორო უფლება {year}. ყველა უფლება დაცულია."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/index.html
msgid "For anyone, anywhere, anytime"
msgstr "ყველასთვის, ყველგან, ნებისმიერ დროს"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid ""
"We're sorry, but this version of your browser is not supported. Try again "
"using a different browser or a newer version of your browser."
msgstr ""
"ვწუხვართ, მაგრამ თქვენი ბრაუზერის ამ ვერსიის მხარდაჭერა არ გვაქვს. სცადეთ "
"სხვა ბრაუზერის ან თქვენი ბრაუზერის უფრო ახალი ვერსიის გამოყენება."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "The following errors occurred while processing your registration:"
msgstr "თქვენი რეგისტრაციის დამუშავებისას დაფიქსირდა შემდეგი შეცდომები:"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Sign up with {provider_name}"
msgstr "{provider_name}ით შესვლა"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Create your own {platform_name} account below"
msgstr "შექმენით საკუთარი {platform_name} ანგარიში"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid ""
"Required fields are noted by <strong class=\"indicator\">bold text and an "
"asterisk (*)</strong>."
msgstr ""
"სავალდებულო ველები აღნიშნულია <strong class=\"indicator\">გამუქებული "
"ტექსტითა და ვარსკვლავით (*)</strong>."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "You've successfully signed in with {selected_provider}."
msgstr "თქვენ წარმატებით შეხვედით {selected_provider}-ით."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid ""
"We just need a little more information before you start learning with "
msgstr ""
"{platform_name}-ით სწავლის დაწყებამდე, ჩვენ ცოტა მეტი ინფორმაცია გვჭირდება."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Please complete the following fields to register for an account. "
msgstr "ანგარიშის რეგისტრაციისთვის გთხოვთ შეავსოთ შემდეგი ველები."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "example: Jane Doe"
msgstr "მაგალითი: Jane Doe"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Your legal name, used for any certificates you earn."
msgstr ""
"თქვენი ოფიციალური სახელი, რომელიც გამოიყენება თქვენი ნებისმიერი  "

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "example: JaneDoe"
msgstr "მაგალითი: JaneDoe"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "Will be shown in any discussions or forums you participate in"
msgstr ""
"ნაჩვენები იქნება ნებისმიერი სახის დისკუსიაში ან ფორუმებში, რომლებშიც "
"მონაწილეობას მიიღებთ"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "cannot be changed later"
msgstr "მოგვიანებით შეცვლა შეუძლებელია"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Welcome {username}"
msgstr "მოგესალმებით {username}"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Enter a Public Display Name:"
msgstr "შეიყვანეთ საჯაროდ ხილული სახელი:"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Public Display Name"
msgstr "საჯაროდ ხილული სახელი"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Additional Personal Information"
msgstr "დამატებითი პირადი ინფორმაცია"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "example: New York"
msgstr "მაგალითად: ნიუ-იორკი"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Highest Level of Education Completed"
msgstr "დასრულებული განათლების უმაღლესი დონე"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
msgid "Please share with us your reasons for registering with {platform_name}"
msgstr ""
"გთხოვთ გაგვიზიაროთ {platform_name}-ით დარეგისტრირების სუბიექტური მიზეზები"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-form.html
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "Account Acknowledgements"
msgstr "ანგარიშის თანხმობები"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "Preferences for {platform_name}"
msgstr " {platform_name}-ის პარამეტრები"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "Update my {platform_name} Account"
msgstr "ჩემი {platform_name} ანგარიშის განახლება"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "Processing your account information"
msgstr "თქვენი ანგარიშის ინფორმაციის დამუშავება"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "Welcome {username}!  Please set your preferences below"
msgstr "მოგესალმებით {username}! გთხოვთ, მიუთითეთ თქვენი არჩევანი ქვემოთ"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid ""
"Required fields are noted by {strong_indicator}bold text and an asterisk "
msgstr ""

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-shib.html
msgid "Update My Account"
msgstr "ჩემი ანგარიშის განახლება"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid "Registration Help"
msgstr "დახმარება რეგისტრაციასთან დაკავშირებით"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid "Already registered?"
msgstr "უკვე დარეგისტრირდით?"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "შესვლა"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid "Next Steps"
msgstr "მომდევნო საფეხურები"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid ""
"You will receive an activation email.  You must click on the activation link"
" to complete the process.  Don't see the email?  Check your spam folder and "
"mark emails from as 'not spam', since you'll want to be "
"able to receive email from your courses."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ მიიღებთ აქტივაციის შეტყობინებას. პროცესის დასასრულებლად უნდა "
"დააწკაპუნოთ აქტივაციის ბმულზე. ვერ იპოვეთ შეტყობინება? შეამოწმეთ თქვენი "
"სპამის საქაღალდე დადან მოსული შეტყობინებები მონიშნეთ "
"როგორც \"არა სპამი\", რათა შესაძლებლობა გქონდეთ მიიღოთ თქვენი კურსებისგან "

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid "Need Help?"
msgstr "გჭირდებათ დახმარება?"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid "Need help in registering with {platform_name}?"
msgstr "გესაჭიროებათ დახმარება {platform_name}-ით დასარეგისტრირებლად?"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid "View our FAQs for answers to commonly asked questions."
msgstr ""
"პასუხების მოსაძიებლად, იხილეთ ჩვენი ხშირად დასმული შეკითხვების გვერდი."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/register-sidebar.html
msgid ""
"Once registered, most questions can be answered in the course specific "
"discussion forums or through the FAQs."
msgstr ""
"რეგისტრაციის შემდეგ, შეკითხვების უმეტესობას პასუხი გაეცემა კურსის კონკრეტული"
" განხილვის ფორუმებზე ან ხშირად დასმული შეკითხვების მეშვეობით."

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/emails/activation_email.txt
msgid "Thank you for signing up for {platform_name}."
msgstr ""

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/emails/activation_email.txt
msgid ""
"Change your life and start learning today by activating your {platform_name}"
" account. Click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser's "
"address bar."
msgstr ""

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/emails/activation_email.txt
#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/emails/email_change.txt
msgid ""
"If you didn't request this, you don't need to do anything; you won't receive"
" any more email from us. Please do not reply to this e-mail; if you require "
"assistance, check the about section of the {platform_name} Courses web site."
msgstr ""

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/emails/confirm_email_change.txt
msgid ""
"This is to confirm that you changed the e-mail associated with "
"{platform_name} from {old_email} to {new_email}. If you did not make this "
"request, please contact us at"
msgstr ""

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/emails/email_change.txt
msgid ""
"We received a request to change the e-mail associated with your "
"{platform_name} account from {old_email} to {new_email}. If this is correct,"
" please confirm your new e-mail address by visiting:"
msgstr ""
"ჩვენ მივიღეთ მოთხოვნა შევცვალოთ თქვენი {platform_name}-ის ანგარიშთან "
"დაკავშირებული ელ-ფოსტა {old_email}-დან {new_email}-ზე. თუ ეს სწორია, გთხოვთ "
"დაადასტუროთ თქვენი ახალი ელფოსტის მისამართი ბმულზე გადასვლით:"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/emails/reject_name_change.txt
msgid ""
"We are sorry. Our course staff did not approve your request to change your "
"name from {old_name} to {new_name}. If you need further assistance, please "
"e-mail the tech support at {email}"
msgstr ""

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/static_templates/tos.html
msgid "Put your Terms of Service here!"
msgstr "განათავსეთ თქვენი მომსახურების პირობები აქ!"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/static_templates/tos.html
msgid "Put your Privacy Policy here!"
msgstr "განათვასეთ თქვენი კონფიდენციალურობის პოლიტიკა აქ!"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/static_templates/tos.html
msgid "Put your Honor Code here!"
msgstr "განათავსეთ თქვენი ღირსების კოდექსი აქ!"

#: themes/stanford-style/lms/templates/static_templates/tos.html
msgid "Put your Copyright Text here!"
msgstr "განათავსეთ თქვენი საავტორო უფლების მქონე ტექსტი აქ!"

#: cms/templates/404.html
msgid "The page that you were looking for was not found."
msgstr "გვერდი, რომელსაც ეძებდით, ვერ მოიძებნა."

#: cms/templates/404.html
msgid "Go back to the {homepage}."
msgstr ""

#: cms/templates/500.html
msgid "{studio_name} Server Error"
msgstr "{studio_name} სერვერის შეცდომა"

#: cms/templates/500.html
msgid "The {em_start}{studio_name}{em_end} servers encountered an error"
msgstr "{em_start}{studio_name}{em_end} სერვერების შეცდომა"

#: cms/templates/500.html
msgid ""
"An error occurred in {studio_name} and the page could not be loaded. Please "
"try again in a few moments."
msgstr ""
" {studio_name}-ის შეცდომის გამო ვერ ხერხდება გვერდის ჩატვირთვა. გთხოვთ, "
"სცადოთ ცოტა ხანში."

#: cms/templates/500.html
msgid ""
"We've logged the error and our staff is currently working to resolve this "
"error as soon as possible."
msgstr ""
"შეცდომა აღრიცხულია. ჩვენი თანამშრომლები მის შეძლებისდაგვარად მოკლე დროში "
"აღმოფხვრაზე მუშაობენ."