- Apr 09, 2021
taliaedX authored
chore: update edx-enterprise
stvn authored
* Commits: fix: Stop using view_auth_classes helper in discussions API
stvn authored
as it conflicts with the manually-assigned `permission_classes`; the decorator erases them.
Bianca Severino authored
[MST-738] Pass username into CourseHomeMetadataView
Jawayria authored
BOM-2408: Removed unused imports from openedx/core/djangoapps/{themin…
Jawayria authored
BOM-2416: Removed unused imports from docs, scripts, pavelib
Carla Duarte authored
feat: add letter grade to MFE Progress Tab API
Christie Rice authored
Carla Duarte authored
Jawayria authored
Removed unused imports from docs, scripts, pavelib
Saad Yousaf authored
[TNL-8051] - bump olxcleaner version with latest update.
Jawayria authored
BOM-2350: Removed unused imports from cms using 'unimport'
- Apr 08, 2021
SaadYousaf authored
Pooja Kulkarni authored
This adds a new django app to allow the GDPR user retirement via Open edX's REST API. Prior to this the only way to trigger the user retirement was either by the user themself clicking "Delete my account" in the account setting page or via creating a User Retirement request by admin. With these changes, the user retirement process can be triggered using REST API.
stvn authored
* Commits: refactor: Move discussions api LTI serialization logic
stvn authored
stvn authored
* Commits: style: Add more typehints to discussions API
JJ authored
Move the social media icons around the course dashboard; particularly for the mobile view.
Talia Rhodes authored
Usama Sadiq authored
Ran pyupgrade on openedx/core/{lib, tests}
Usama Sadiq authored
Ran pyupgrade on openedx/core/{djangolib, lib}
HamzaIbnFarooq authored
The sysadmin dashboard feature is converted into a plugable app named edx-sysadmin (https://github.com/mitodl/edx-sysadmin) according to the decisison made at https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/blob/master/lms/djangoapps/dashboard/decisions/0002-deprecate-sysadmin-dashboard-adr.rst. Instances using sysadmin dashboard should use the new plugin from now onwards. BREAKING CHANGE: sysadmin dashboard is removed
Usama Sadiq authored
Usama Sadiq authored
Ran pyupgrade on openedx/core/djangoapps/{video_config, video_pipeline, waffle_utils}
edX requirements bot authored
stvn authored
- Apr 07, 2021
stvn authored
* Commits: fix: Update default provider returned by discussions API refactor: Split kwargs out to individual lines
Michael Roytman authored
[MST-736] Display Useful Status in InstructorDashboard StudentOnboardingPanel for "onboarding reset" Attempt Status
stvn authored
Michael Roytman authored
fix: Display Useful Status in InstructorDashboard StudentOnboardingPanel for "onboarding reset" Attempt Status JIRA: MST-736 Due to inconsistencies in the way we handle attempts in past due practice proctored/onboarding exams, learners can end up in an unintended liminal state after attempting to reset their onboarding attempt. If a learner attempts to reset their rejected onboarding attempt after the exam's due date, we process the reset request and move their attempt into the "onboarding_reset" state. Theoretically, a new exam attempt should be created immediately thereafter. However, we have code that prevents the creation of an exam attempt after the exam's due date, so the call to create a subsequent exam attempt fails, leaving the learner with an exam attempt with the "onboarding_reset" status. Theoretically, this situation should never occur, and the fact that it does is a bug. Because of this, we did not handle the "onboarding_reset" status in the StudentOnboardingStatus panel, and this status appears as "null". As an intermediate step, while we think about our due date logic, this pull request bumps the edx-proctoring library to version 3.8.5, which adds a new onboarding status "onboarding_status_past_due". This status is displayed as "Onboarding Reset Failed Due to Past Due Exam" in the StudentOnboardingPanel in the InstructorDashboard, which should provide course staff with a clearer explanation. JIRA: MST-745 tracks the removal of this intermediate code from the code base once we fix the underlying cause of this bug. JIRA: MST-749 tracks the fix for the behavior that allowed for this state to occur.
stvn authored
to make further addition/deletion cleaner.
stvn authored
* Commits: feat: Implement POST endpoint for discussions API feat: Implement update helper for discussions API feat: Implement to_internal_value helper for discussion API feat: Add lti_configuration to discussions API payload refactor: Base discussions serializer off of ModelSerializer refactor: Remove unused helper from discussions API fix: Use the correct name for serializer to_internal_value
Christie Rice authored
Binod Pant authored
stvn authored
stvn authored
stvn authored
stvn authored
stvn authored
to make Django operations easier.